Tuesday, July 19, 2005
I awoke to be in my room and I groaned slightly as I rolled over to look at my sky blue ceiling. ‘Alright, Leanko, I’m ready to get on with my life…Which I guess means that I have to go to work….and school….’ I sat up slowly whincing slightly, then sneezing. ‘Man I must have gotten a cold!!’ I heard a crash come from downstairs and walked over to my door and peeked out of it caustiously to see a case worker there standing with my mom glaring daggers at her. “They killed him miss we have to take them to jail….” Mumbled the case worker slowly looking at the dent in the wall where they plate had hit it. I took a step out and felt an arm wrap around my neck and pulled me into a different room. I looked up at Yusuke in alarm “we didn’t do that Yusuke!! The cop-” Yusuke nodded “we know that Kira they just probably want to question us.” My eyes widened “Yusuke I don’t want to go to the Jail house! You can’t afford to go either!! You just got out of Juvi three months ago!” I stated in a panic. Yusuke sat on the bed and drew me on it with him and we layed under the covers quietly listening to the argument downstairs. “Don’t worry I’ll keep you safe Kira now go back to sleep… I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere tonight.” Mumbled Yusuke with a yawn. In return I yawned and curled up against him and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
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