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Member Since
Student at the Art Institute
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy & paste this into your profile.
Anime Fan Since
late 1980's
Favorite Anime
Hellsing, Trigun, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Wing, Final Fantasy VII, Vampire Hunter D, .Hack//Sign, Case Closed, Full Metal Alchemist
to become an animator
drawing, writing
The first anime that I'd ever seen was Speed Racer, but I didn't know anything about anime at the time. It wasn't until I saw Gundam Wing that I became interested in it. Nowadays I watch a variety of anime including Vampire Hunter D, Wild Arms: Twilight Venom, Hellsing, Trigun, Case Closed, .Hack//Sign, and many others.
Favorite Websites
Anime News Network
Amano's World-The Art of Yoshitaka Amano
Friday, April 21, 2006
I know it's been awhile. My homework has been getting in the way so I've been neglecting this site and my website. I confess, procrastination and laziness was part of it too but let's not get into that ^_^. Anyhow I just put up a new fanart piece to show that I haven't abandoned my site completely. I'm planning on updating my webpage in within a couple of weeks.
All you Final Fantasy fans probably know already but Advent Children comes out this Tuesday. I actaully saw a commercial on tv, which is a good sign that it'll come out on time. Cross your fingers and hope they don't delay it at the last minute. You may be interested to know that according to FFVII Dirge of Cerberus may be coming out in August.
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays to everyone out there.I didn't get a holiday drawing done this year but I did recently put up a another piece with Vincent and Arucard from FFVII and Hellsing, respectively.It's a bit small so I'm working on resizing it and still keeping within the limits.
See you in 2006.
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Sunday, October 30, 2005
Fanart and Hellsing OVA
I finally finished a new fanart piece and just put it up.It was one I did while experimenting with Corel Painter.I didn't plan on making the portal pop out like that but it's an interesting effect.
All you Hellsing fans may want to go to Blood Knight.Rip has some images up from the Hellsing Ultimate OVA.It really looks like the manga.Here's hoping they'll import it to the U.S.
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Friday, October 21, 2005
Wow has it really been that long since I posted?I've really been neglecting this site.Oh well, college willl do that.I recently started 3D modeling and Flash classes.I didn't think I'd like doing 3D but I've been able to learn the program 3ds Max fairly quickly.I still prefer 2D animation but I still watch 3D.
Needless to say, school and homework have been eating away at my free time.I haven't been able to complete any anime fanart recently, but I do have a few in the works.I'll get those up as soon as they're done.
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Featured Quiz Result:
 You transform into a beast! Your body is a fearsome weapon. In a fight, you suddenly become a strong, wild, powerful beast that will beat down an enemy in no time. You are quiet, withdrawn, and a loner by nature, but your unique talent will save your friends more than once, even if it is hard for you to bear. Transformers: Terra Branford and Vincent Valentine.
A cool Final Fantasy quiz: What type of FF fighter would you be? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're Walter Dollneazz. They used to call you "Angel of Death" before you retired from the battlefield. You can still kick ass when you want to, though.
Which Hellsing character are you? brought to you by Quizilla