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Monday, May 30, 2005
How Many Frames?!
It's near the end of the quarter, so finals are coming up.I told you in the last post that I'm in a 2D animation class.Right now I'm scanning some of the frames for my final in that class.It's 300 frames for a 10 second animation.So far I've got a little over 80 frames scanned.My plan is to scan 20 or more frames per day.That'll give me plenty of time to animate it on Adobe After Effects before it's due.Luckily the finals for my Digital Photography and Geometry classes won't be too tough, so I can concentrate on the animation.
Final Fantasy VII fans will be pleased to know that Advent Children is going to be released in September in the U.S.
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
2D Animation and Other Tidbits
I'm finally in the Intro to 2D Animation class.It's just the second week and we've already animated a few simple things.I have to finish a bouncing rubber ball and a bouncing bowling ball by next week.Making all the drawings isn't too bad, but scanning each drawing one at a time gets really boring very quickly.I got bored scanning 20 pictures, I can't imagine scanning hundreds.It's like that one episode of Rocko's Modern Life where Rocko, Philbert, and Heffer were up all night scanning an entire episode's worth of drawings.At over 30 drawings for a second of film...Cripes I hope that's a job for another group of people.
I got a tablet a few weeks ago for my computer, so I've been trying that out.It took a little while but I think I'm getting used to it.Now I can actually trace my pencil drawings on the computer instead of on paper.No more worrying about the perfect scan!(Other than cutting off portion anyway.)I recently used it to trace the lines of an expression study of Walter from Hellsing.I'm still coloring it right now, put I'll put it up as soon as I'm done. I'm sure you'll notice a difference the the outlines in that and the penned outlines.The tablet was expensive, but it was worth it.
I recently found out that the Vampire Hunter D manga is coming out next month.I thought they'd never bring it to the states.I'm hoping that the talking hand's origin will be explained.I've been wondering about that for awhile now.
One last thing: I just finished updating my website.I finally finished that fanfic and I'm working on a couple of others.I posted a new anime fanart piece here at theotaku as well.
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Friday, February 18, 2005
I'm Independent!...Sort Of
Wow, it's been awhile hasn't it?I was having trouble with the computer, as usual.Luckily that's over now (hopefully).I have my own computer now so I don't have to wait for my parents to get off the other one.That means I'll be able to work on my fanart more-once I get my homework done that is.I also have a cable internet connection and no more bad dial up connections from Juno!
I'll leave you with a word of advice: some things are cheap for a reason.
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
Quizzes and Hellsing
I got most of my homework done, so I'm spending some time searching through my archives.I'm putting the quizzes in the quiz manager so I can put up random old ones.I have 21 pages, so this could take awhile.-_- That's what I get for putting it off.
If you're interested in Hellsing, the Starz Action Channel is playing it again this month.I just found out about it when I caught the first three episodes this past Friday night.They're showing three episodes every Friday night/Saturday morning at midnight.
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
I Haven't Posted in How Long?!
I just wanted everyone to know I'm not dead yet.You probably know my excuse by now: college homework.I'm working on a couple of final projects that are due in a couple of weeks. After that it's Winter Break! I'm hoping to update my website and work on my fanart during that time.Don't expect any new artwok anytime soon unless I decide to put up one of my outlines.I'd better get back to work.I might forget to post it later, so Happy Holidays!
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
Yeah, I'm Still Here
I wanted to post something since I haven't posted anything in awhile, but I can't think of what to type.So I'll just post up some random quiz results.
 VAMPIRE - Hello there, fellow creature of the night. You drink blood - preferably human - in order to sustain yourself. You generally dress well, and can be charming and handsome in that dark way of yours. You find your prey in nightclubs, alleys, art theatres - anywhere that the mortals frequent. You lay plans that can extend for centuries, but you invariably get screwed over by those pesky human hunters who seem to want the top of the food chain back.
Which Undead Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are a loner...not that you don't like people, it's just that you like to spend time with yourself or you are an outsider...don't like talking too much and even going out...loneliness isn't healthy, but you like it...what can say?! Just live the way you want...u_u
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
What kind of anime eyes do you have? (picture results) brought to you by Quizilla
And finally, here's one I took in honor of Farscape: the Peacekeeper Wars.
 Zhaan: You are Zhaan, the Blue Bitch (but in a good way). Constant frustration with the small brains around you forces you to practice the vegetable form of Tai-Chi. IN...OUT...master of calm. Once a rather fiesty thing, you became a priestess and can now heal anything with the most irratating sort of pacificity. Oh and uh, mind the light...
Who the FRELL are you? A Farscape Personality Quiz. brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Dirge of Cerberus FFVII Screenshots
I found more info on the FFVII video game sequel at ign.com.They have some screencaps of the game which look great.It looks like it's going to be a third person shooter.You can find more info and a link to the screencaps at http://ps2.ign.com/objects/693/693672.html?ui=cb_up_02.Here's just one of several pics that you'll find there.

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Friday, September 24, 2004
Dirge of Cerberus
I recently found out that SquareEnix is working on a new FFVII video game. It's called Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. Apparently Vincent is going to be the main hero of the game, and it takes place one year after Advent Children. Click here if you don't believe me.
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Friday, September 3, 2004
My website, the Living Ship Nautilus, is finally updated with a few new fanart pieces.It's not as much as I wanted to put up, but you know the excuses by now.I'm hoping to update again in the next couple of months, assuming nothing else happens between then and now.I thank you for you patience.I think I'll work on some new anime fanart for this page.
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Thursday, August 12, 2004
Computer Problem Solved...Sort of
I still can't get on the internet from my computer, (the sound doesn't work anymore either, but that's not the point.) but my parents had to download Netscape 7 because Purespeed changed the number (yet again). It came with Netscape Composer, which is the web editor that I use. Sure there are better ones, but I'm cheap. Anyway, if I download my FTP program on the computer, I'll finally be able to update my website. I have a lot of writing homework for Reasearch and Scriptwriting, but I'm already halfway done. Hopefully I'll be able to update in the next few weeks.
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