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Student at the Art Institute
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy & paste this into your profile.
Anime Fan Since
late 1980's
Favorite Anime
Hellsing, Trigun, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Wing, Final Fantasy VII, Vampire Hunter D, .Hack//Sign, Case Closed, Full Metal Alchemist
to become an animator
drawing, writing
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, August 1, 2004
My drawing Sakkakumo's Expressions wasn't coming up on my computer so I deleted it and tried to re-submit it.I actually tried it a couple of times, and it still doesn't work.I'll mess with the piece and try again later.Until then I have some work to do for Scripting for Animation.
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
Summer Quarter
It's been awhile hasn't it?I just posted a couple of new pieces.I didn't get a chance to transfer the programs to my parents' computer yet, but I will eventually.I only have two classes this quarter, but they're both writing classes so I don't know how much free time I'll have to transfer them and finish any artwork.
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Monday, June 7, 2004
New Fanart
Finally!I put up a few new pieces.(Actually one's an old one that was in the wrong section.)I also put my outlines on a disk so now I can work on them while I'm on the internet on my parent's computer, or at the Art Institute if I have free time.Needless to say my computer still can't get on the internet, but at least I can work on my fanart more now.
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Wednesday, June 2, 2004
Fanart? Part 3
I've had it with my computer problems.So sometime this week I'm going to put my anime fanart files onto a disk and transfer them into a temporary folder on my parents' computer.(It's my dad's fault I'm having these problems anyway, and he seems to have given up on my computer.So why should I suffer?)Summer break is coming in a couple of weeks so I might take the time then to transfer the programs and files that I need to update my website.I admit, I haven't worked on my fanart as much as I would've liked to since I usually color them in Photoshop while I'm browsing the internet, but I'll send what I have anyway.
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Friday, May 14, 2004
Fanart? Part 2
I just sent the art and it said that it uploaded.I'll have to check in the next couple of days to see if the host actually got it.
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Do I need to say anything about my computer problems at this point?
I got to my Computer Illustrations class early so I'm typing this from school.Anyway I'm going to try to send a fanart piece from my disk instead of the computer.If it works I'll be able to sent more pieces from my parents' computer without saving my files to the computer itself.Cross your fingers and hope it works.
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Thursday, April 29, 2004
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile.Needless to say I'm continuing to have problems with my computer.I promise I'll put up some fanart as soon as I can get on the net from my own computer.
I recently found out that Invader Zim is finally coming out on DVD in May.It's supposed to have the first nine episodes plus some bonus material.
Some of you might be glad to know that Bandai is working on a Cowboy Bebop video game.They're not releasing any details yet, but the newest issue of Animerica has a picture of Faye from the game.They're also going to release another Inu-Yasha game.This time it's going to be an RPG, and it looks like the characters are super deformed.
Hopefully my computer problems will be solved soon.If not, I'll probably get fed up and just put some of my files on my parents' computer.It's my dad's fault that I can't get on the internet anyway.Until then I'll just have to keep working on my fanart and fanfiction so that I can make it up to everybody for not updating my site for so long.Not that a whole lot of people visit my website but still, I want to apologize to the few who do.
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Monday, April 12, 2004
Random Tidbits
Spring Breaks's over and I just survived my first week of the Spring Quarter.I don't have too much homework so far (but that will probably change by the time mid-terms and finals roll around).
Right now I'm waiting for the Hellsing manga volume 2 to come out.That and a couple of good movies.I finally saw a preview for Van Helsing.I know it has nothing to do with Hellsing but it still looks pretty cool.
If there are any Starship Trooper fans out there you might want to know that they're coming out with a sequel.It's going to premiere on the Action Channel on April 24th and 28th at 10:00pm.You can go to Starship Troopers 2 Site for more info.
I haven't posted any quiz results so here's one that's completely random:

You are Danny Elfman!!
That's right, you are the man himself, you lucky dog. You can do ANYTHING that you put your mind to, literally... in fact, you teach yourself all of the instruments you pla, write all your own music and lyrics... and even compose movie scores! Besides being incredibly cute, you're one of the most musically talented people in the world... even if a lot of people don't know who you are, hey: they still know your music!
Which Boingo Guy Are You?
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Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Spring Break
School's out this week, but I'm still having internet problems.Tha means I won't be able to update my website like I planned.I'll probably spend the week working on my fanart and fanfiction so that when I'm finally able to update it I can make up missing this month.I haven't played any games for a month either, so I'll try to finish .Hack/Outbreak this week.I'm over halfway finished already.I know that because I'm using the stradegy guide.I wanted to find all the //Sign characters, so sue me.
Speaking of .Hack//Sign I just got the last special edition DVD since it has a couple of episodes that weren't shown on Cartoon Network.One of them was an hour episode that takes place after the game.It did give away what happens, but unless you played the games you don't know how it happened.
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Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Integra's Twin Brother?
Remeber when I mentioned that character from Heat Guy J that looked like Hellsing's Integra?I finally found a picture of him on a French website called Top Flood.So here he is:

And here's an image of Integra from the UK's ADV website in case you want to see the resemblance:

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