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Student at the Art Institute
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy & paste this into your profile.
Anime Fan Since
late 1980's
Favorite Anime
Hellsing, Trigun, Yu Yu Hakusho, Gundam Wing, Final Fantasy VII, Vampire Hunter D, .Hack//Sign, Case Closed, Full Metal Alchemist
to become an animator
drawing, writing
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Monday, October 6, 2003
More Quizzes
These are from Seifer sama's page.
 You are Fantasy. You have an active and firey imagination, and you love escaping into strange, beautiful worlds. You're intensely curious and dive in to new experiences with vigour. As a result, you may sometimes be dissconected to reality, or at least bored by it. People see you as a dreamer, and they're probably right. You spend a lot of time inside your head.
Art Thou? -Your Art Style Personality brought to you by Quizilla
 What color are you? (Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
You are Kenshin!!"> Woo Hoo you are Himura Kenshin!
(With pics) What Rurouni Kenshin Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Meryl!
Which Trigun character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Silent, strong, and very very very deadly. This is one bad mofo, and you don't wanna piss him off. He lives in a constant nightmare, and is extremely lonely.
What FF7 char are you?? brought to you by Quizilla
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Art School and a Burglary
My first class at the Art Institute starts tomorrow.I'm probably going to have tons of homework throughout the year, so I don't know how much time I'll have to put up posts.Hopefully I'll be able to post on the weekends at least since I don't have classes on Saturday or Sunday.
I've been working on my own website for the past month.All I need to do is add a few more touches and find a webhost.I should have it up by the end of the week.I might even have it up later today.It's mostly a fanart and fanfiction site for my favorite anime and cartoons.I'll post the URL up here when I get it up and running.
On a more depressing note, someone broke into the Anime Pavilion.When I went today, they had a huge hole in their window and a sign for a reward for any information about the thief (or thieves).Here's hoping they get arrested soon.
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Sunday, October 5, 2003
It's Vampire Season
I was watching Hellsing on the Action Channel the other night just to see if they edited it.They cut out the episode previews, but other than that I didn't notice any differences.
While I was watching that, they showed a commercial for the original Vampire Hunter D.They're suppose to show it some time in November.
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Friday, October 3, 2003
I noticed that the Fanart section was arranged differently, so I sent in three pieces that I couldn't send before:one for Hellsing and two for the crossover anime.Hopefully, they'll be approved.
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Even More of rustym's Quizzes
 You are TIMA, ethereal and lovely to look upon, but wielding a power of apocalyptical proportions. Tima can pass for a human in every way, but she is, in fact, a highly advanced robot modelled after Duke Red's deceased daughter. She is quite naive as to the great plans in store for her; instead she loves nothing more than to spend time with her favorite person, Kenichi.
Metropolis Character Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Haku. Tough and enthusiastic, you stand up for what you believe but can be a big time loner at times. You will stand up for those that matter to you and use any means to make sure things turn out ok. Your a little bit over zealous at times but nothing wrong with enthusiasm.
(Anime) Which Spirited Away Character Are You?? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Storm!
You are very strong and very protective of those you love. You are in tune with nature and are very concerned with justice and humanity. Unfortunately, certain apprehensions and fears are very hard for you to overcome, and can often inhibit you when most need to be strong.
Which X-Men character are you most like? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, October 1, 2003
Happy Bunny Quiz
 you are the "you suck, and that's sad" happy bunny. your truthful, but can be a bit brutal.
which happy bunny are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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When Did This Come Out?
I just got the Hellsing Soundtrack Volume 2:Ruins at Best Buy.I actually found it by accident while I was deciding whether or not I wanted to get the Rundown soundtack.They had the cd listed under "Sato,"so if it wasn't in the front of the row I would have missed it completely!I had no idea the cd was out yet.I always end up finding the stuff I want when I'm not looking for it, but when I do look for it I have a hard time finding it.Has that ever happened to you?
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Tuesday, September 30, 2003
Final Fantasy VII :Advent Children
According to the Anime News Network, Square Enix is going to release a computer-animated movie based on FFVII.It's suppose to occur two years after the events of the video game.If you don't believe me go to one of these sites:
It looks like they're just going to release it in Japan for right now, but hopefully it'll be released here as well.
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Sunday, September 28, 2003
Let the Vampire Hunt Begin!
I just took Flava's anime quiz.I could only think of four answers and I'm sure that at least two of them are right.i naver said i was a real Otaku.
On a more positive note, the Action Channel is going to show Hellsing on midnight this Friday night (or Saturday morning depending on how you look at it).I highly suggest it to anyone who likes vampire flicks.Be warned: the series contains lots of blood and swearing.The time is in Eastern Standard time, so if you don't live here on the East Coast you might want to check your local listings for the actual time.
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Friday, September 26, 2003
They Just Keep Coming!
 From "Final Fantasy 7" What Video Game Villain Are You?

What Anime Bad Girl Are You?
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