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Monday, September 15, 2003
Favorite Butlers?
I was watching "Clue" on Comedy Central yesterday and I thought about all the butler characters that I like.Then I remembered that I put up that one post about Norman where flintmarco mentioned the butler from Fresh Prince of Bel Aire(Sorry I never replied but I never saw the show so I couldn't really think of a response).I'm curious and I would like to know who are you favorite butlers?Here's the list of mine:
1.Walter (Hellsing)
2.Norman (Big O)
3.Alfred (Batman)
4.The Butler (Clue)
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Saturday, September 13, 2003
R.I.P. Captain
I was searching the the Adult Swim message boards when I found out that Harry Goz, the voice of Sealab 2021's Captain Murphy, died recently.A lot of good enertainers have died this year:Bob Hope, Johnny Cash, and John Ritter just to name a few.They will all be missed.
Despite these deaths, life continues and their memories will live on.In the words of Queen, "The show must go on."
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Thursday, September 11, 2003
9-11 Poem
I wrote this soon after the terrorist attacks of 9-11.I would like to dedicate this to all the heroes and the victims of those attacks.
The Eagle
‘Twas an ordinary day
On a Tuesdy morning.
One person cared not
What the other one was doing.
Some people were at school,
Some at home, and some at work.
The Eagle was relaxing
After many years of war.
Without warning, an explosion: not just one, but two, then three.
A plane has hit the Pentagon, two have hit Twin Towers.
In an instant, thousands gone, the Towers disappear.
Not since Pearl Harbor has the Eagle felt such fear.
People who once did not care
Were helping those in need.
A city known for violence
Reported just one crime that day.
Pulling people from the rubble
Was all that seemed to matter.
Divided we would have fallen,
But United we still stand.
From the dust and the rubble
Of a city that always stands tall,
The Eagle then emerges
Like the Phoenix born again.
Its wings of Freedom
Spread around its offspring.
As the world unites knowing
That the culprit shall be punished.
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Wednesday, September 10, 2003
I know this has nothing to do with anime, but I liked this movie.
 You are "Welcome to the Caribbean, love." You're more than a little world-weary, but also intelligent and you keep your head when things get dodgy. You're everybody's favorite drinking buddy, but your stubbornness does get in the way sometimes.
Which one of Captain Jack Sparrow's bizarre sayings from Pirates of the Caribbean are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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New Art
I have two new fanart pieces up:Trowa Standing and Sakkakumo the Vampire.

Who's Your Anime Boyfriend?
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Monday, September 8, 2003
Sorry Norman
After watching last night's Big O on Adult Swim, I realized Norman was a lot cooler than I thought.Walter's still the better butler, though.
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Sunday, September 7, 2003
Classic Vamp
I like taking these anime personality quizzes, can you tell?
 you are a.. ClASSIC vampire. you are somewhat gothic, keep to yourself, and that's the way you like things. you are traditional and old fassioned. you might not do well with machines. simple is better. You love the fact that you are a vampire and wouldnt trade it for the world. so many advantages! you love to terrify the weaker race of humans silly. you also despice the "cute" vampires. you go with your insticts on everything, keep doing what your good at, the older ways
what kind of vampire are you?(hellsing pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Red Coat
I was doing a search for Hellsing related quizzes at Quizilla and found this one.The rsult can either be Vash(Trigun), Auron(FFX), or Arucard(Hellsing).
 You're Auron! Yay! Auron's more of the strong silent type. He stands up for what is right and doesn't like it when people disagree...actually...he kills people who disagree...cool!
Which Red Coat Fits you best? (Trigun, FFX, Hellsing) brought to you by Quizilla
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Suggestions Anyone?
I'm considering making my own website.It's going to be mostly fanart and fanfiction, and I'd like to start out with a free web space provider.If anyone has any suggestions, please put them in the comments link under this post.Any suggestions about web space providers and what I could do with the site will be appreciated.Thanks:)
BTW,according to animenewsnetwork.com, the Starz Encore's Action channel is going to show Hellsing in October.If you like vampire movies and shows, I recommend watching it (If you don't mind a lot of animated blood and swearing).
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Thursday, September 4, 2003
More Test Results & Fanart
I got some new fanart up.One of them is another Vincent drawn in pencil, but it's better than the old one, trust me.
The image uploader that I'm using seems to be having problems.Hopefully they're just updating their page.
Here are some more Guru quiz results:

What Anime Legend Are You?

What Anime Vampire Are You?

What Anime Mech Are You?

What Gundam Wing Character Are You?
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