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 How many times do I have to tell you? I don't know!
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 Excel Saga, Hikaru no Go, Houshin Engi, Hunter x Hunter, Inu Yasha, Naruto, Slayers, Rurouni Kenshin, YuGiOh and the list goes on...
 I'll get back to you on that.
 Reading, writing, drawing, taking over the world... y'know the typical otaku.
 Not a lot of people know how to do this, but I can drink soda without using a cup.
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Guestbook Entries:
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StupidBMXer (11/12/04)
im going to leve this short cause..........i dont do a lot of typing and have some good pictures.the coloring is pretty good on most of them.i still havent gotten around to coloring any of my stuff so i cant really complain about other peoples coloring jobs
sign my guestbook please
not much of a goodbye person either.......
Me Luv Kyo Kun (11/04/04)
hia! thnx 4 commentin on my pic! ^_^
ur drawings r amazin!!!
I luv the casual wear drawin u did, its awesome!!!
well, see u round!
keep up the good work!
rythem (10/31/04)
nice site.i like ur drawings and i hope you wouldn't mind if i add u as a friend !! *rythem*
Fabrice Goosens (10/30/04)
Hey hey.. nice site.. I hope u get around to signing my guestbook as well. thanks!! bye
Oyumi (10/29/04)
Wow! ur site is great, sooooo pretty!
The colors, the pictures, your fanart, among other things!...your fanart is so well done, I wish I could draw like u, I totally loved your fanarts! I'm gonna add u as a friend, hope u don't mind! Come by my site later when u have the chance (its not as good as yours,but...)
c ya!
howlingdemon (10/26/04)
your site is reall asome! love the colors and stuff. really cool background! can I add you as a friend?
-friends dont let friend eat meat-
SoraKoi (10/25/04)
^_^ Hi There!!
Hehe, I like your site!! It's so pretty!! ^^ Haha, Would it be alright if I added you as a friend?! I would be honored if I could..Oh! And I took a look at your fanart, and you are REALLY good!! ^^ Hehe, well, I guess I'll talk to you later!! Ja Mata!!
chikki (10/22/04)
Hi, im one of those extreme few people who actually have absolutely no reason to sign your guestbook, but still does. Why? Because i think that it will make people more happy to see that they have a guestbookentry, and not just see that someone has been on their site, and left whitout a word! I actually ended up here by accident...ayalovesvidel had you on her list, and then, boom! i happend to press the wrong button or something, and now im here! Tada! Okey...
Spike bebop (10/10/04)
cool site
twoface04 (10/06/04)
cool site come check mine out plz
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