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 How many times do I have to tell you? I don't know!
Favorite Anime
 Excel Saga, Hikaru no Go, Houshin Engi, Hunter x Hunter, Inu Yasha, Naruto, Slayers, Rurouni Kenshin, YuGiOh and the list goes on...
 I'll get back to you on that.
 Reading, writing, drawing, taking over the world... y'know the typical otaku.
 Not a lot of people know how to do this, but I can drink soda without using a cup.
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Guestbook Entries:
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tymeart (09/18/04)
well hi,again! lol i remember when i "found" you and saw your site. the theme was malik back then. i liked malik at the time too,so've submitted more art since then,and they're all great!! well,ja ne!
Angel of Pig (09/11/04)
Hey, it's A-chan dropping by to say YOUR SITE ROCKS!
Alright, enough of that, I really do think your site's cool and I hope you can drop by mine if you have the time. Oh, and remember, chill.
Vampyress (09/07/04)
Interesting site you've got going here...are those poppies in the background? just wondering...I like your did you make "ryce" do wicked! come by my site and sign my guestbook..and since you'll be there having such great some of my creative know things such as poems..and have yourself a spleen tickler with my random ramblings and funnies..DON'T FORGET TO LEAVE PLENTY OF COMMENTS! Salutations from the Underworld
Number 5 (09/06/04)
howdy! i like your site here! the theme looks nice! if you have time, please come by my site and vote for my fanarts alright? thanks in advanced! ^-^ talk to ya laters!
~ #5 ~
Fairybells (07/08/04)
Well weird... I just love Naruto, Hikaru No Go, InuYasha, Rurouni Kenshin, and Yu-Gi-Oh! You have a good choice of anime! I'll be adding you as a friend now! Oh yeah, cool background and Hikaru No Go avatar! I just LOVE the Naruto animation you put on your site! And remember... fried rice is always the cure to anything! Ja matte ne!
Hee hee... ^_^
PhoenixClawth (07/05/04)
HEY! DO YOU REMEMBER GOLDENWINGS? IT'S HER! *points to me* Didja miss me? I'm adding you as a friend right NOW!
Vash is cute (06/22/04)
im adding you as a friend. i dont know why maybe its cause your site ROCKS. well come by my site any time.peace out and remember love and peace.n_n
adempton (06/18/04)
Hi!! Thanks for signing my guestbook! ^_^
It was my pleasure to comment on your art, it was good! BTW that's a really cute naruto pic on your main page, did you draw that too??
Cya~ ^_^
sweetshnara16 (06/18/04)
hi ya
love your website its very nice^_________^ like it alot ^.^
come look at my site some time
see ya
fox youkai (06/15/04)
i ____
[ ]
love you site!
don't ask what that is above!
i dont know!
to me it looks like a box!
well, if it is a box!
you can put fried rice in it!
is your profile pic. of hikaru!
well, plz visit my site, k!
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