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 Excel Saga, Hikaru no Go, Houshin Engi, Hunter x Hunter, Inu Yasha, Naruto, Slayers, Rurouni Kenshin, YuGiOh and the list goes on...
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 Reading, writing, drawing, taking over the world... y'know the typical otaku.
 Not a lot of people know how to do this, but I can drink soda without using a cup.
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Roaring Flame Cat (05/23/04)
HILO ^^ I waz just wanderin' round the site and da art and I came across ur art and it iz really awsome!!!N-E way I just wanted 2 say ur art iz awsome ur site rocks and I'm gonna add u az 1 of my nutty friends! ^^ lol
Panda (05/21/04)
Hello! I stumbled across your site today. I really like it. ^_^
Feel free to stop by my site for a visit anytime. Take care and hope to see you around! ^_^
Chiimaru (05/15/04)
nice site. I like your colors on it too. They're just like mine! Do you wanna be my friend? It's up to you but I'm going to NOT add you! LOL. Funny. Seriously though...I'm not going to....
Susan Xiong (05/03/04)
hi there. u have really nice pix inside. what is Naruto anywase? it is a new series or something well tell me by. anywase. and holla back.
Ichigo (04/28/04)
Hihi!! I like your art!! You are a really good artist!! Well, I'm gonna add you to my friends list if thats ok with you.
^^ Talk to you later!!
crosscarsamurai (04/26/04)
Konnichiwa fried ryce-san!! Thanks for commenting on my pics!! Makes me feel special... ^^ You have a cool site here! I like it. ^^ Well, see you around! (Oh, hope you don't mind I added you as a friend... ^_~)
Ranefea (04/23/04)
thank you. i'm glad you liked my art. hey, i absolutely love your site. umin response to your question about my name is Elvish. (i happen to be quite obsessed with elves, lol)i use it a lot. and hey, you can add me as a friend. i'm going to add you to my list too, alright? do you mind me asking how you came up with your name? i like it. and korean manga? i've read demon diary, priest, and king of hell for korean manga.
HetepKa (04/18/04)
Hey, hey, HetepKa here! Just surfing around MyOtakus, and I saw your avi, thought it was cool, and clicked on it!
And, I found myself in your MyOtaku. I really like it!! It's an excellent example of the great things people can do on their MyOtakus if they just put a little enthusiasm and work, and time in it!!!
I love the Naruto sprites, they're alll SOOOO ADORABLE!!!!! And your background is to DIE for!!! You heard me correctly, to DIE for!!!!
Hope to see you around, visit MyOTaku if you like, but, it's really not that good, or at least nothing in comparison to your GREAT MyOtaku!!!!
See ya laterz!
Teia (04/17/04)
Hi! I see you everywhere! I just had to come here. Waha! I like your site! It's awesome! Waha! I love Hikaru no Go(even though it's not my top 7 T.T)! It's cool! Ha! I like how you always end things and stuff. 'yummy, fried ryce'. It's cute! I'm gonna add you as a friend, OK? Pleeze come by my site sometime. CYa laterz! ^_^
~Teia (Don't ask me what those "Waha's" are, cuz I don't know. Just random stuff I'm typing.)
LonelyWolf (04/12/04)
Hey thanks for signing my GB and adding my as a friend I like your site is cool! Also your art is cool too! I like the "Enraptured Mermaid" art its lovely!
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