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myOtaku.com: FriedChocobo

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 09/12/05:
Wow, very accurate. 'Course, I'm not always that hyper like that. Sometimes, I can be VERY tired.

Result Posted on 09/11/05:
EARTHY!! lmao, this is alot like me... of course, I don't se ehyper mentioned in there anywhere...

Your Element is Earth,You have the ability to
create and manipulate earth, If you wanted to
would be able to make your own island, You are
a very rescourcful person and there is nothing
you cant do if you put your mind to it, You
might not be that bright in the head but when
the time comes you can be the smartest person
in the world, Your friends like you for who you
are and join you because your are "the
life of the party". Your outfit is
anything that reflects who you are and or feel

What Element and Outfit are you
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Result Posted on 09/11/05:
OMG me iz a Froot Loop!! LMAO XD

Fruit Loop
Fruit Loop

What nickname would i give you?
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Result Posted on 09/11/05:
Wow, it's like me! OMG!! Cursed low self-esteem!!

You chose blue-green eyes. You are a very happy, hyper person. You love to
laugh a lot with your friends, and you are loud
in large crowds. Most of the time you're
smiling, but inside, you have a slight low self
esteem, and you try to cover it up with
cheerfullness. You try to live life to the
fullest. You also believe in all the
supernatural things. Like in faeries, ghosts,
aliens, etc...You like to keep your options
open. You can sometimes be a bit bossy too,
when people don't always like the same things
you like. It makes you defensive.

The Eye color personality test
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Result Posted on 09/11/05:
Wow, this is alot like me! There are very few quizzes that can describe me very well... anyone reading this should try it too!!

You are a shy, brainy, true, and an extremely nice
person. You may be a little, well, quiet, when
people talk to you, but when you get to know
people, you really open up. You wish you could
just go uo to people and make friends, but with
you it's not that easy. You're problem is,
nobody ever really paid attention to you, you
never really had a true friend. But that is
about to change. Open up a little bit more.
Tell people about YOURSELF instead of listening
to them talk about you. Because you're worth
it, even if you don't think you are. People
love you, because of your rise-to-the-top
attitude, once you show them it. And believe
me, as you learn more each and every day and
grow more, you'll find that that shy
personality personality has disspeared, and
that the strength inside you has finally risen
to the very, very top!

What Kind of Person are You? [beautiful anime pics, and lengthy details, as usual!]
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 09/11/05:
OMG, I was murdered!! O_O I hope that doesn't happen in this life... that would suck!

You were murdered. More than likely for money. You
were very brave, but after what happened you
have become shy and worried. You never deserved
anything that happened to you and you should
live your life to the fullest now. Your life
story was very tragic.

How did you die in your past life? (for everyone)
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Result Posted on 09/11/05:
*Sings*Sorry I'm not home right now, I'm walkin' through the spiderwebs, so leave a message and I'll call you back!

Golden Wings of Flight
You have Golden Wings of Flight. You are very
different, but people accept that. You have
lots of friends, and are fairly popular. Many
know your name. You are kind of smart and you
are practical. You like attention and are very
smart. You may have enemies, but that is only
because they are jealous of you / you are
jealous of them. You are pretty.

What kind of Anime Wings do you have? (( GORGEOUS PICS )) _Girls_
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 09/11/05:
It turns out I'm a total bitch! Not that I disagree; I can be pretty bitchy when I wanna be.

Result Posted on 09/11/05:
I dunno if this'll show up, but if it does, it's very true!!

Result Posted on 09/10/05:
It's so true! Of course, looking on the not-so-bright side of thi=ngs is fun too!! =3 Nyaha!

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Scryed Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

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