Monday, November 29, 2004
Lol How funny...
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
La, La, La, Lala!
Yes, I'm in a good mood. Can you believe that one? Lol. Today I got two hugs!! One, I gave to a guy and He wasn't going to turn that down! Lol. He's a really sweat guy and everything. He sat back where I was just talking to me while he could have went home and everything. Then the other I didn't want him giving me a hug but... he's a lot older. Like... 30 some years older. ((Sighs)) Anyway, I talked to that one guy again. I always do. He asked me why I left so quickly yesterday. Lol. It was weird hearing him ask me that. I don't know. He's a good guy.
Anyway, I'm in a good mood tonight! Only because Tomorrow I get off work at 2 in the afternoon! Yay! Lol. That's the best thing ever that could happen to me. My one friend gets to come in and take over for me so that means... I get to go Christmas shoping maybe tomorrow! But If I do, it's only going to be for mom. Mom and I are going for dad together. But I don't know if I can hide her gift though. She likes to sneak around a lot! Try to find if we got anything for her. She's like that. She's worse than a kid! ((Sighs))
Anyway, I have finally written some of my new stories. *Stand proud* Yes, Thy have came back! Mwahhaa! Beware, they are good! At least I hope so anyway! Oh, when I get them finished, I'll put the website on her for you all to read. Please do read it! I love getting the little reviews on if it's good and constructive Criticism! Tee-he. yes I'm weird I'm aloud to be.
Well I'm going to go. You all have a wonderful day! I'll catch you all later!
Ja Ne,
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
Everything has to happen today. First off at work, everyone was basically complaining about something-n-another. and then I couldn't get any reading finished. (Well not to the likely page I'd like to be but I'm close though which makes me happy a bit) This morning I woke up completely grumpy. Which I wish I didn't. I woke up grumpin' at my dad about coffee or something. Wait, no it was being cold! That's what it was. I feel so terrible.
Then today one of the ladies that I worked with that quit came in and asked me if this guy that I talk to asked me out yet. Well her words was, "So has that boy in electrical asked you out yet?" I looked at her and said no why? And she shrugged her shoulders and said she was just wondering and that we both look like a match. Weird huh? Completely. The boy who's she's talking about is a complete cutie! I've said that before even when I had a boyfriend. I didn't care. My X-boyfriend hated the idea of me talking to him. He said that he can tell he (The other guy) Likes me. Please, me and that other guy are close but only close as in friends. I'm prefectly happy with the single life. Couldn't be any happier to tell you the truth.
I wanna get some qoutes off the internet for this thing I'm doing so... I shall be going. I've got some writing to do and some reading to catch up on. ((Sighs)) Life is always busy isn't it? Work tomorrow and Monday but then Tuesday... I'm off! Thank goodness!
Okay, Off I go! Hope you all are enjoying your holidays!
Ja Ne
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Friday, November 26, 2004
Alrighty then...
Alright... this is alright... I guess. Think this is me? Leave a comment! Ja Ne!!
PS- I am writing again, but thank you to those who support me and my crazy obession with writing!
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 Otaku Level 6
What Stage of Anime Fandom That I Went Through Are You At? brought to you by Quizilla
How did this ever happen? Hmm... question?! Is this that bad?
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Yup. Sure. Whatever you say...
((Sighs)) Everyone gets the wrong idea don't they? It's almost like they wanna flip things around and everything. This people, is why I prefer not writing on here. Because there's to many individuals who like to twist and turn things upside. *Sighs* Oh well. Honestly at the time I don't care because I don't see half the people I went to school with if that. I see 1 every day I work almost. Only because he works with me and he's above me also so I have to see him everyday. Then... well that's it. ^.^
Anyway, Life is going pretty good. Some guy came into work and told me he needed my number... looked at him and asked him what he needed that for! lol. Like me I always have to be the smart butt. ^.^ Anyway, I didn't give it to him or did I take his. I prefer being single. I don't need a guy to make me feel 'Loved' Shall I say. It's a heck of a lot better being single in my personal opinion. When the right guy comes I'll think different but for now... I wanna play it low and just enjoy my life right know. I'm getting to fed up with guys bothering me. It's getting to be a daily habbit anymore. Getting on my last nerve. But oh well.
Well I'll talk to you all later. Have a good one.
Ja Ne,
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Okay well work went as usual... boring. Lol. It could have been better. Got in trouble for bring in a book but oh well. I don't care. I'm reading something educational. Soo, if they don't like it let them stick it up their butts! **Sighs**
Well, I got out of work a half an hour early! Yay on that note! Hopefully I can tomorrow. Wait, I know I will. I'm in the worse place ever. They'll let me go first! Yay! Then I'm off on Turkey day!
Well I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm going to go and talk to my best friend and everything. No!! Not Sarah either!
Ja Ne!
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