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myOtaku.com: FrownzDontSmile

Friday, December 21, 2007

total meltdown...
well, i was havin a good day 2dai and then my computer started actin stupid and i had spent damn near all day tryin 2 find out wat waz wrong. i almost lost a friend doin sumthin incredibly stupid because i waz indecisive and too many people would've been hurt because of me and i wouldn't want that. that person forgave me and i love them 4 that( and shut up loser, i'm not emotional, i'm just voicing tha voice that don't get heard often...)i guess that iz it. o yeah, shout out 2 token! i ain't foget u dawg!!!so i guess chapter 2 comez now

(p.s.) all tha people and crewz in my story rele exist, i talk 2 most of them everdai

Chapter 2: Tha Meeting

"they did wat?!" Styer screamed into tha phone.
Blaze looked on and waz wonderin what waz goin on.

"trashed man. mayhem everywhere" Noia said thru tha phone. Houston waz in tha back searchin for wat she could salvage."it waz someone from apex crew, neon orange iz all ovah tha place" he said lookin around.

Styer stood on tha bus stop with Blaze and had fire in hiz eyez.Blaze looked at Styer intensly itchin with curiousity.

" i want u 2 find where he iz rite now and get every1 2 tha red room, we goin 2 have 2 pay them a visit." Styer barked into tha phone, smilin devishly. "i'm on my way with Blaze."

Mute spent tha bend at tha end of tha avenue and just like he suspected, greed ovahcame tha copz and they wazn't goin 2 miss out on a career braking bust for a small, petty lil street artist.

"stupid muthafuckaz, thought they waz goin 2 catch me!" he thought 2 himself adjustin hiz bag on his shouldeer.

he walk nonchalantly kickin rockz along the still wet ground he waz on his way 2 tha red room and he looked at his phone and realized it waz dead.

"damn, i can't call 2 check in wit no one. peachy...?"

he walked down tha street draggin his feet. it waz 9:45 and i waz dark outside. suddenly he waz hit and he black out. Mute waz robbed for hiz bag, shoez, phone, and paint. he waz laft on tha wet pavement, bleedin and unconscience...

Noia waz on tha phone callin everyone he knew 2 come to tha meeting. Houston waz tryin 2 tha best of her ablilties 2 make tha place decent.

" I can't believe they did thiz 2 our place man!" she screamed.

"yeah, i know. i wonder how tha hell they got in?" Nois replied lookin at his phone. "hey, u heard from Mute?"

"nope, not since earlier, i'm sure ur brother iz fine." she said calmly.

"yeah maybe ur rite, but somethin ain't sittin rite with me..." he said uneased.

"so it waz Devolon then that did all thiz?!" Blaze said in disbelief.

"i'm afraid so. hiz trade colour waz neon orange he waz obsessed with tha name apex and that would explain how he knew how 2 get in." Styer said nonchalantly with his eyez closed.

"i'm.. i'ma hurt that little ni-"

"not around me u not gonna use that language." Styer said openin 1 eye lookin at him, cuttin him off mid-sentence.

"sorry." Blaze looked away. "it'z just wen i get mad i...i-"

"i kno, i kno. u just need 2 calm down and relax a little. everythin is bein thought out, trust me." Styer smiled devilishly.

"you kno i nevah like wen u smiled like that, it alwayz meanz trouble and runnin from tha copz or goin 2 jail! and u gonna stop cuttin me off mid sentence." lookin Styer in tha eyez Blaze said.

"yeah, rite watevah come on." he said gettin up 2 get off tha buz.

Mute finally came 2 and got up.

"i don't believe thiz shyt!" he shouted.

"hey, shut tha hell up! people are tryin 2 sleep!!" a homeless man shouted

"do i look like i give a damn?" Mute said furiously.

"naw, but u look in a bum though, hahaha!!" tha homeless man shot back.

Mute looked at himself and couldn't argue wit that at all. he just took off runnin think of gettin 2 tha red doom.

Styer and Blaze walked into tha red room and everythin feel scilent. atleast 20 pairz of eyez were upon him. he took his seat at tha head of tha room which looked more like a throne and clear his throat and said:

"ladies and gentlemen, letz get down 2 business!"

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