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myOtaku.com: FrownzDontSmile

Thursday, January 17, 2008

   okay so yea...
well my fellow friendz of tha otaku, i official am depressed beyond bewilderment. so i waz alreadi under a gang of stress and then my parentz came and told me that i waz basiclly useless, worthless, a freeloader, and alot of othah shyt (actual wordz) alzo if i didnt nevah tell no 1, but me and houston waz datin sumtyme ago...she got pregnant and our parentz FORCED her 2 get an abortion...i am so against that and it still hurtz 2 thiz day cuz any1 that knowz me kno that i want a lil boy and thatz wat it waz... they brought that up and it rele did hurt me deeply on wat they said and i rele dont want 2 repeat it.

She leavez 2dai 2 go 2 houston (hence tha name) im not a very trustin person and she iz tha only person i trusted 100% i knew her since i waz 15 and ima rele miss her.


i went skatin yesterdai and i landed a FS pop shove-it. i waz so geeked i fell aftahwardz.

i waz gonna add tha othah chapter 2dai but i figured thiz post waz gonna be long enuff, maybe 2morrow...

but by popular demand, i have more picz, honestly tell me wat yall think give me tha 1-10 thin, im curious 2 see wat yall think of me!!!

p.s. it jus occurred 2 me that yall cant follow directionz, could yall PLEASE do tha # scale thing??? lmao, i got sum special friendz...

p.s.s. i wanna thank unique, rogue, cloud, stormy,desires, and punk 4 makin me cheer up, i dunno wat i wouldve done w/o u guyz

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