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I don't know...sometime before 1998
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Fruits Basket
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Drawing, writing, reading (manga in particular), watching anime, going to shows, and playing/recording music with my friends.
I draw, write, sing, and play the drums.
| Fruit Basket
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Friends on Vaction
I've been so bored lately which is why I haven't updated in a while. Music lessons ended, a couple of my friends are on vacation, and one of my friends has to deal with his cousins until the end of July (they've been at his house since the beginning of July).
I have to do work again because music lessons are over and I have to do work at an earlier time now. =(
I've been drawing comics lately and although prefer drawing with out having to think of a story first, I like it. I've already posted one on my Deviant Art site and I'm going to post the new one that I did today soon.
Before My friend went on vacation he taught me how to play the drums. Now I'm in a band with him and two other people. It''s really fun. =D
Opinion of The Day: Drawing or playing music with my friends.
Even though I love drawing and I do it a lot, It's so fun to play music with my friends. There's just something about it that makes it so fun.
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Monday, July 10, 2006
Ink Yuki
Lately my room has been really messy. It's horrible, I can't find anything. I have no idea where to start because there's just so much stuff everywhere in my room. If anyone has any advice for me, that'd be great.
I outlined "The Prince" (I gave Yuki sunglasses when I outlined it =P) and I'll be colering soon. Please tell me what you think of it.

Opinion of the day: Rock or Rap?
I like a lot of rock bands (most of them are local) but I don't think I've ever taken the time to listen to rap. It just doesn't appeal to me. So obviously, I like rock better.
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Sunday, July 9, 2006
The Prince
I'm sorry I haven't updated in a couple days. Last night I went with two of my friends to see Pirates of the Caribbean. It was really good but I hate how the ending leaves you hanging.
I noticed that I haven't shown anyone my drawings so far. Here's a quick sketch of a painting of Yuki that should exist that I drew a couple of minutes ago. =D

Opinion of the day: Viz Media Manga or Tokyo Pop Manga?
I haven't been reading Tokyo Pop manga as long as I've been reading Viz Media manga but I have favorites from both of them. So I guess I can't choose one over the other. =P
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Wednesday, July 5, 2006
At first, my music lessons (it's for a bunch of people in my area and I sing+play Clarinet) were going to be at my high school. I found out today that they were at a different school. But the lucky thing is that the school that my music lessons are at now, is really close to the book store so I was able to get Fruits Basket volume 4 today! =D
*Furuba volume 3 spoilers*
Speaking of Fruits Basket, the ending of volume 3 really suprised me. I can't believe Momiji is going to be a freshman in high school (he's only a year younger then me XD). Since he's going into high school, does that mean he actually likes Tohru? Probably not.
Opinion of the day: Hugs or Kisses?
Hmmm. This is a hard one. I guesss I'll have to say hugs because my ex-girlfriend used to hug me a lot.
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Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Music Lessons Save The Day
Today was my last day of work for a while. Because I have music lessons every morning for a while, I won't be around to do work. The only problem is that because I'm going to music lessons, I won't be near any stores. That means I won't be able to get the Fruits Basket anime or Fruits Basket volume 4. =(
Opinion of the day: Roller Coasters or The Movies?
Movies without a doubt. Roller coasters make me sick.
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Monday, July 3, 2006
Work Work Work
My dad keeps forcing me to do work lately. It's so annoying because I hate doing work where you have to really use your arms. All I want is a quiet job at a store or something and he won't let me do that. =( I never get the time to read or watch Fruits Basket too. I think I'm going crazy.
Opinion of the day: Anime or Manga?
I'd have to say manga. Not that people don't do a good job of adapting my favorite manga into anime is that they change the storyline around too much. That really annoys me. I just want to see the anime the way the creator of the manga originally made it.
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