Female Location some where Member Since 2004-12-15 Real Name fruitcrazy
Anime Fan Since EVER! Favorite Anime FRUITS BASKET, inuyasha, yu yu hakasho,wolfs rain,rave master,king of bandit jing,naruto,almost all gundams,D N Angel,fushigi yugi,saiyuki,and SO much more! Hobbies reading manga, and watching anime! Talents drawing anime fruitcrazy
Deerest from Inuyahsa
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I am sorry that I haven't been around in awhile!! I got grounded from my comp. I seem to grounded a lot......*sobs*!!! I have had a horrible last few weeks.... Lets see I have to go to a stupid therapist(not sure I spelt that right)who thinks that i should go on an anti depressent or something like that!And also a lot of other stupid junk to. I am just complaining...i'm sorry.....well cya
I am having a horrible start to my day!!! First when i tried to get out of bed my leg got caught on the sheet!! I think you can guess the rest of that scene.Then I squarted toothpaste all over the place. Also I have an awful headache That is driving me absolutely nuts!!! Well I want to know what you think I should do for my site! Like more videos, quizzes, maybe a poll! cya
Okay, so today was a little wierd..though we had no real classes!! See we have to do this dance class thing with my whole cluster. Then we go back to the school,go to a special(art..yippie),go to watever class you need to for make up work,lunch,assembly. So, no real classes! Though I really hate awards assemblys, I like no classes! Oh, and I also made this kid really mad, except I don't know how cause I didn't even know the kid!! Oh, I changed the theme!!
Well, you guys asked if the DVD had subtittles, and that's the wierd part it doesn't! I have no idea what it is called cause even the tittle is in japanese!! I also had to give it back!!! Though it was still really cool!! I changed my theme!! I hope you like it, and if you can't see the writting just tell me, k?! Oh, and tell me what you think of it!!
A pic!*below*
alt="Tears"> Tears, your beauty lies within your tears. You
have had a hard life but that doesn't make
you any less beautiful your beauty is shown
through your tears. Tears of joy, of pain,
and of sorrow. You help other's with their
problems. You don't always help others
though when you are caught up in your dreams
of the past. Always remember that beauty is
not only skin deep...
Where your beauty lies... (anime pics) rate please brought to you by Quizilla
href=""> What is your personality like? brought to you by Quizilla You posess....just magic. You dont have a spasific