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Friday, April 6, 2007
I'm already sick of this era
I hate this world. It's obvious that I don't matter to anybody. I think that I would be more useful dead.
I want to rip off my arm and beat my parents over the head with it. Then bleed to death.
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Hiatus (agian)
Well, the first time I tried to go on hiatus from this site, it didn't work. However, I have a serious procrastination problem. I am falling behind in school because I am spending hours online. I have to stop.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and for Lent I'm going to give up the internet. I'm only going online to check e-mail (which I rarely recieve). It's weird because I've always hated Lent and I've never acknknowledged it before.
I'm going to try to start doing homework as soon as I get home and studying hard on the weekends. Maybe I'll actually have a life now. Maybe I'll have time to iron clothes and clean my room and clean the bathroom and such. Maybe not.
I've been getting a lot of letters from colleges recently. Most probably won't even accept my application.
I skipped half of Spanish class today. I am such a bad student. :x
Well I guess I'll see you guys in forty days (even though few people actually read my blog entries)
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Monday, February 19, 2007
Hello, Mr. President
No one is talking to me or responding to my e-mails. It's pissing me off.
I have tons of homework to do today. Why didn't I do it this weekend?
I hate being a procrastinator. I wish that I could be hypnotized to change or something.
All I want to do now is sleep, but I must work. My mom already left for the library so I can't go study there. :(
My dad hired someone to clean our roof. They're making sooo much noise! How can I study like this?
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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year! It's the year of the pig. I'm a sheep, so according to the horoscopes its supposed to be a good year for me. I don't believe it though. Every year is always a bad year for me. Things will never get better.
It's too bad that I'm not Chinese. Then we could have a celebration. Oh well. Presidents Day is tomorrow. How do you celebrate that holiday? We should eat a cake or something.
Gaaah! I have tons of homework to do. I haven't even started. I don't want to do it. :P
I still don't know what school I want to go to next year.
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Saturday, February 17, 2007
Where did you go?
A lot has been going on. :p
I don't really have much to say, other than the fact that I have tons of work to do this weekend that I am putting off.
My mom finally let me buy a wig. It was pretty cheap compared to the cosplay wigs that I've seen online. My real hair is currently a total mess.
Now all I have to do is I bought some make-up (lipgloss, XD) too and some facial scrub that will improve my skin ( I hope. Stupid acne)
I can't wait for my birthday. I'm going to take a lot of pictures. It's the first time in years that I've actually been excited about my birthday. I hope that my mom lets me buy a cake.

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Thursday, February 15, 2007
Dreaming is useless for me
My mom is so aggravating. I hate her almost as much as I hate school. I do my best to behave and be a "good girl" and she doesn't appreciate it. She just finds something to complain about.
Yuck, my skin is a mess. I have acne all over my face. T_T
I'm looking for a dress to wear on my birthday but I can't find it. What's the use of wearing pretty clothes when my face is so ugly?
I won't be able to enjoy my weekend because I have tons of homework to do. However, knowing me, I'll probably just procrastinate on all of it. I hate math. I'm going to get a low grade in that class. I just don't understand any of it. T_T
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Monday, February 12, 2007
People like me aren't allowed to be happy
Well, I survived another day of school. I hate it so much. >.<;
My math teacher keeps on picking on me. My Japanese teacher was picking on me also. I didn't have any of my homework done. It sucks. I have to read two chapters for AP Euro and do the study guides by Wednesday.
I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school I hate school.
I feel like jumping out of a window.
Also, I have no money. My birthday is in thirteen days. I guess I can begin working then. I don't want to though!
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Saturday, February 10, 2007
Dee dee dee
It's one a.m. in teh morning. x_x
I think I'll go watch a movie. I still have tons of homework to do though (and a room to clean).
I am thinking of selling part of my wardrobe to get money. :P
I'm in the mood for cake. My mom said that I have to make all the arrangements for my birthday because she's "busy" all the time.
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Thursday, February 8, 2007
I don't belong here
I don't like my mom. :x
She's always in a bitchy mood. Everything is always my fault. If she hates me so much, she should have never given birth to me.
I wish that she would just leave me alone.
I haven't done any of my homework this week and I missed a make up test. What's wrong with me? How can I maintain good grades when my study habbits are so crappy?
Anna Nicole Smith died in a city near where I live. The world is comming to an end.
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007
I can finally eat normally again! Yay!
School was bad today though. My mom and my sister were being mean to me.
I hate homework...T_T
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