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Saturday, October 14, 2006
Actually, my soul is rotten
My sooul is rotten. I don't think that I would care if my parents died. I would just be upset because I would be an orphan.
I want sewing skills but I really suck at it and i have no desire to practice.
I haven't watched anime since august 14. I blame it on the self proclaimed otaku at my school, who are jerks, and lack of money.
I just realized that I dress like my mom. It's no wonder why I have bad fashion sense.
I have midterms next week and all I've done today is sleep and look at stuff that I can't afford.
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Friday, October 13, 2006
THis blog is basically lifeless. oh well, just like real life. -_-
I want cake. I have finals next week. My head hurts.
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I won't be getting any sleep tonight
It 10:39 p.m.
I am so screwed. I have an 8 page research project due tomorrow, an essay for English,a script, a test for two section in chemistry honors, an outline to do and review questions.
It's been like this all week.
I hate school so much. There is nothing good about it.
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Live as you please
Don't fit you say?
Then make it so.
There's nowhere for my piece to go.
Find a place that lasts forever.
Perhaps I'd better say "so long."

I'm losing sleep because of school and my grades are still suffering.
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Soggy Jigsaw
I hate school. (deja vu?) I am completely screwed this week. I have a million projects/tests this week and no work ethic. I practically fell asleep through my entire test this week. I need a vacation. Now.
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Sunday, October 8, 2006
I hate school. It's hell.
I don't like being alive. However, because I am not violent or bothering anyone no one cares.
I'd rather be called crazy than be told to shut up and stop crying like a baby.
We had a garage sale last year and my mom sold all my childhood stuff. I'm still mad at her for selling them.I kept all my toys in perfect condition, unlike my sisters who colored on/broke all their old toys.
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Jump Here
Had I written this post last night, it would be filled with a lot of profanity, anger and whining. However, now I've calmed down and I don't feel like going into detail about why I was so upset. (hysterical would be a better adjective)
My eyes/head hurts. This always happens when I cry way too much. My mom was a total bitch to me yesterday. By the time I got to the homecomming dance, I was bawling like a stupid baby with red eyes and snot all in my nose and no tissues or a sweater (my mom woldn't let me bring them).
I ate food, I sat around and talked to people, I didn't dance and I stared at the "dances" that people did.
My mom is such a hypocrite. Whenever she is mean to me she pretend that she doesn't remember.
The most fun that I had that night was playing with the confetti on the table.
I wish that I could shave my head and tatoo "FXXK YOU, AMERICAN STANDARD OF BEAUTY!" on my forehead. I cannot understand nealy burning myself and spending an entire day and money on attempts to change my hair.
I won't be going to any type of social event any time soon.
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Friday, October 6, 2006
Oh, how time flies
I always feel so sick in the mornings. When will this cold leave me?
I procrastinated all afternoon. My mom has been quick to criticize me all day.
She's forcing me to go to the homecoming dance tommorrow. I don't want to go but she is making me go because she says that I have no life. Sitting alone at a dance in an ugly dress for three hours is not going to give me a life. I'd rather stay at home and watch a movie.
I don't have a date (of course) so she tried to get me to go with my dad. o_0;;;
I would never do that. Anyway, I don't think they allow your dates to be over 25 or something.
I am no princess.

 I think that I have become obsessed with pictures of frogs.
My body is growing a lot faster than my mind is.
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Thursday, October 5, 2006
This is no fairy tale
I'm an idiot. I am pathetic. My "stalker" won't leave me alone. I should have told him to go away the first time he called. I am so desprate for attention that I was just happy that someone acknowledged my existance. He is a freak in every sense of the word.
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Time machine, To the past to the future Zoom! Shazoom!
I can't write much today. I am so tired of school. I want to go back to when life was simpler but people tell me that it will only get more complicated.

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