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In my mind, in the most mundane and petty town ever
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I don't really watch anime anymore but I like Rose of Versailles and Utena
- stop procrastinating
- learn to sew
- live instead of exist
- spend less time on the computer
- relearn Japanese
- Get more sleep
- Do well in school (without going insane)
- get a job
sewing, going online, obsessing
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
My mom refuses to even think about hurricane season. She's going to wait until the moment we lose power and our house becomes flooded to pay attenion.

From a hurricane project I learned that on the off chance you do move here this is what you should do to prepare:
1. Buy enough food and bottled water for at least 3 days
2. Put all of these supplies in your car
3. Drive to Nebraska and stay there until Halloween
Unfortunately not many people follow this sensible plan. So in that case, you'll need hurricane insurance which is fairly easy to get if:
1. Your house is reasonably built and
2. It is located in Nebraska.
Unfortunately if your home is located in South Florida or any other area that might actually be hit by a hurricane most insurance companies won't sell you insurance. That is because they might be required to pay YOU money which is not why they got into the insurance business in the first place. You'll also need hurricane shutters or hurricane proof windows. Hurricane proof windows look like ordinary windows but can withstand hurricane winds. You can be sure of this because the salesman says so. He lives in Nebraska.
You'll also need:
· 23 flashlights
· At least $167 worth of batteries that turn out, when the power goes out, to be the wrong size for the flashlights.
· Bleach ( no, I don't know what the bleach is for but it's traditional, so just BUY some!)
· A 55-gallon drum of underarm deodorant
· A big knife that you can strap to you leg (this will be useless in a hurricane, but it looks cool)
· A large quantity of bananas to placate the monkeys ( ask anyone who was around during hurricane Andrew, there WILL be irate monkeys.)
· $35,000 in cash or diamonds so after the hurricane you can buy a generator from a man with no teeth.
Of course these are just basic precautions. As the hurricane draws nearer, you must stay updated by tuning in to the weather channel and watching T V reporters in rain slickers standing right next to the ocean and tell you over and over how vitally important it is to stay the hell away from the ocean.
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
I want my own computer. My sister screwed up the computer and my dad (the idiot) deleted ALL OF MY FILES from the computer. Then he couldn't figure out why I was so upset. The next day we found out that he didn't need to delete anything.
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Sweet sleep
12:18 a.m.
It is past midnight and I am still working on a project. I had no time to study for finals. Ah, how I can't wait for summer.
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Sunday, May 21, 2006
Maybe I should buy, a self hypnosis CD. That way, I won't have to cram like I should be doing now.
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
Cosplay cosplay cosplay
I wish that
I looked
like an anime character
so that I could
look less awkward
in my costume.
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Friday, May 19, 2006
Anime conventions and glue.
I volunteered at the library, slept, watched a movie, ate, brooded and wasted time online. It's a typical Friday. I need to study for finals and finish homework. Very dull. You can't put me in front of a computer and expect me to work the entire time. I stayed up until 2a.m. last night doing the collage for my mom. Whenever I make a collage it doesn't look good. Also, the nozzle on the bottle of glue wasn't working so I had use my fingers to apply the glue. I spilled half the glue on the floor.
I might go to an anime convention soon. ^.^
It's kind of annoying because I always have to go alone. *shrugs* Maybe this will remind me why I liked anime so much. I plan to cosplay but I won't enter any contests. I have no money for the dealers room but I'll want to buy at least one anime shirt. Last year they had two dealer's rooms at this convention. ^.^

Dealer's Room!
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Thursday, May 18, 2006
Today, Today
>.< Today didn't start off well. At least school is over in a week.
We went to a pep rally. It wasn't really a pep rally though, it was just saying goodbye to our principal and poking fun at him.
I don't mind because it made Spanish class shorter. I still have to make up a quiz for that class.
After school I decided not to be around anyone and half an hour for my mom to pick me up. Then, she drove me to a psychiatrist. I read the boring magazines while she spent hours filling out forms. This lady scares me but at least her chair didn't eat me up this time.
It was funny because the first couple of minutes was spent listening to my mom talk about her life and she got really emotional. Then she left. This encounter was even more awkward than the last. This woman seemed to panic and wanted to put me in a hospital. >,>
I refused to go, nor would I take her mood altering drugs.

My dad knows that I like anime but he doesn't know what anime is. I'd like to keep it that way because he is very strict and censors everything so I won't be "corrupetd." I'm not allowed to watch anything except Nickelodeon and Disney Channel, I can't listen to most music, see any PG-13 movies until I'm 18 ect. He would think that Sailormoon is too "adult" for me.
He'd forbid me from watching anime if he bothered to watch it.
Nevertheless, he asked me to explain to his boss over the phone what anime is and it was very hard because I didn't want him to know. I mentioned the Miyazaki movies and that's it. Despite this, I've learned that it is better to act calm about it than to be stressed and make him suspicious.
I know...cinammon cookies!
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[insert title here]
Dvorak anywhere sucks. I just erased everything I wrote. Now I have to type it again.
The next time that a teacher assigns a group project I will plead temporary insanity when I kill my group members.
We presented our math project today and it sucked.
For weeks I suggested that we meet in the library, review our examples, come up with a game etc. but they refused.
So we presented today. The math problems on the handout made no sense, and one girl had no idea what her section was about. Her example was completely wrong. It went completely downhill from there.
I admit it was my fault for not putting the answers to the crossword puzzle but that doesn't mean that my group members have to yell and curse at me. They didn't have to talk bad about me for the rest of the class period. They made more mistakes than I did. They just targeted me because they don't like me.
They didn't like me when I came and they'll be happy when I die.
I type too slowly in Dvorak. Twenty words a minute is way too slow. There's no way that I can go back to QWERTY now though because I've completely forgotten how to use it.
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Today plunged.
I overslept again today. I've gotten very lazy since school started. It's 9:16 now. I should sleep or study for that Spanish test.
Our math project is due tomorrow at seven but my group still isn't done.
I'm starting to hate the project for BST.
Lunch sucked so I wrote an essay instead.
I got to miss most of Spanish class to go to the awards ceremony. I hated it. I have a bad personality, I love no one, I don't want to do anything and now I can't even do well in school.
Why am I still here?
Then I went to the meeting after school. The teacher gave us massive amounts of homework for the summer. His voice is so boring. I am sure that I'll sleep during all of his lectures next year. What is the point of going to class?
I saw a lady today. She thought that I was crazy and told my dad.
My fingers itched to hit the demon today.
I've asked my mom if I could be homeschooled. Being around people my own age is not good for my health.
Ah, tomorrow is Thursday. I will be done with this stupid group project (We'll probably get a 'D' on it but It'll be over).Then I will have the entire weekend to cram for finals.
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The demon is hear and this has killed my good mood. I want her to go away, away but there's nothing I can do (nothing that doesn't involve violence that is).
She won't go away, she won't go away.
I have nothing interesting to post. I am waiting for the school year to end but it is not ending fast enough. My group members for my math project are as lazy as ever. We've gained an extra day but that isn't enough time to get Flash, learn how to use it and create a game. I want all of them to get an F on this project because they expect me to do everthing. The sadistic thing about group projects is that if they get an F I get one too.
I already got my book for my summer reading homework. I will get the summer homework for my history class tomorrow.
I'll get to miss a couple of minutes of class to go to an assembly.
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