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In my mind, in the most mundane and petty town ever
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umm...I don't know. I had straight A's my first year of high school.
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I don't really watch anime anymore but I like Rose of Versailles and Utena
- stop procrastinating
- learn to sew
- live instead of exist
- spend less time on the computer
- relearn Japanese
- Get more sleep
- Do well in school (without going insane)
- get a job
sewing, going online, obsessing
Being sad
| FruitDefendu
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
I have to stop procrastinating. That way I would hate Sundays less.
Oh well. I have one more Sunday before the end of the school year.
Ay! I'm so busy this week. Finals are next week and I've completely forgotten everything I've learned this past semester. I have projects to finish too. This is definately not the time to procrastinate.
I had a long talk with my mom yesterday and told her how I felt. I was way more honest than I usually am. I think she's really angry with the things I said. I'm upset that she says that all I do is cry all the time and that there's nothing wrong with me.
Finals, finals...I was wondering whether I should study for finals or think about death.
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Saturday, May 13, 2006
Pastelitos de guayaba / Pastelitos de queso
I couldn't post yesterday. I woke up fifteen minutes before I was supposed to go to volunteer at the library. I spent the whole time shelving DVDs. I found a Hellsing DVD and another movie with Audrey Tautou and checked them out. It's too bad that I never read anymore.
I went home and a few hours later my mom and I went downtown. I need sandals and she insited on going there because it's cheaper. An incedent at a little bakery/tiny restaurant there made me realize how useless Spanish class is. Last week we learned to say that the Mayan temples were really big. However, I still haven't learned enough to order guava pastries and orange juice in Spanish. Oh well.
Then I went grocery shopping with my mom. After that we went to Walmart.
I absolutely hate Walmart. The people in my community protested against a Walmart being built right next to us. It worked.
Still, that is the only place my mom will shop because it is cheap.
We got home around 10 p.m.
Today I got an e-mail from one of the people from my middle school which is weird because nearly everyone from middle school refuses to talk to me. Anyway, the girl who sent me the e-mail never liked me. She'd pretend to be my friend but called me names behind my back all the time.
I'm sure it would put a smile on her face if I told her that I haven't been doing well and I hate my school.
To anyone who's reading this: I'm sorry if I annoy you by sounding depressed in all my blog entries...this is how I sound in real life.
And now....pastries!

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Thursday, May 11, 2006
My head hurts
AAAaahh! My head hurts! It’s probably because I didn’t eat lunch today. I was working on a project that I forgot about during lunch. The head is throbbing. There is no food to eat besides bread because my mom only buys food on Saturdays.
I wish I can type more but I can't.

Mmm...I want to try melon bread.
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My head hurts
AAAaahh! My head hurts! It’s probably because I didn’t eat lunch today. I was working on a project that I forgot about during lunch. The head is throbbing. There is no food to eat besides bread because my mom only buys food on Saturdays.
I wish I can type more but I can't.

Mmm...I want to try melon bread.
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Conjugate This
That is all I can say. Stuff happened.
We were forced to chant verb conjugations in Spanish class.
I still don’t understand the subjunctive form.
After school I didn’t get any work done during the long ride home.
I was p.issed off as soon as I got home because I know that my demonic neighbors were in the house. My sister was annoying me so I told her to go away before I kicked her. She went running inside and lied like she always does. I stomped inside and said that she was a liar and that I’d only threatened to kick her.
I don’t remember what else happened. She was p.issing me off and stuck her tongue out at me and I just ran after her like a madwoman. She went into her room and tried to close the door. I passed the demons on the way there. I shoved the door open and I just stood there glaring at her while she cried. (brat) My mom heard the crying and automatically assumed that I hit her. My sister apparently cut her lip when I pushed the door open. My mom was mad and said nasty things about me and the demon joined in. The demon said that I should have never been born. I’ve said that tom myself plenty of times but now I’m not satisfied with just dying anymore. I want to shoot every person I hate first. If I just killed myself everyone would be happy. I would rather hurt them the same way they hurt me before I give them the satisfaction of seeing me dead.
I can’t access this site from home.
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Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Counting the minutes
I must work on my math project. It's not hard at all. It's just time consuming and I hate it. I have Spanish homework too. I have finals in two weeks. T.T
This year definately hasn't gone by that fast but I'm impatient for summer to come so I won't have to do homework and projects anymore. When summer comes my mother will make me work anyway so I'd probably wish that I were back in school.
I think that a Japanese girl is staying at my school for a week but I don't know the details. I would be too shy to talk to her anyway.
It's funny how the type of clothes someone wears can be so initmidating. She's not in any of my classes.
Maybe I'll find out tomorrow if shyness doesn't overwelmed with shyness.
I must log off and do homework so I won't lose more sleep. 
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Monday, May 8, 2006
9:10 p.m.
I've been using the computer for the past three hours and it's been really frustrating. I can't figure out how to type congruencuy sybmols on the computer. The internet stops working for no appearant reason and the stupid parental controls that my dad put on this computer block 99.9999% of the websites I try to go to....including this one.
I was really angry yesterday and half of today. I wish that I could go back in time to when my mom was pregnant with me, walk up to her and kick her in the stomach. Hard.
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Sunday, May 7, 2006
A while later
10:16 p.m.
I'm in a very bad mood now. It's late and I still haven't finished all my work for tomorrow.
I just thought of something really disturbing.
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Sunday Again
Sunday is the worst day for a procrastinator. I'm dealing with it by not thinking about it and posting here.
I went to a small anime festival at the library yesterday. I asked a friend from middle school to go with me but she was grounded so I had to go alone. I rewatched the Final Fantasy Advent Children movie.
Then we briefly got to see an anime expert. He had soooo much anime merchandise. Wallscrolls, figures, DvDs, oh my! Unfortunately he wasn't giving it away. He showed us clips from two anime series and we got to see a all of "A voice from a distant star".
It was cool because it was made by a Japanese guy entirely on his PC. The art quality wasn't the best but the story was so sad. T.T
I heard Mr. Sekita's presentatin for the 4th time. I think that's a record. I don't anyone has heard it that many times. At least this time I got to be part of his presentation on Valentines Day in Japan.
"Akira" who is constantly reminding us that he has been to Japan more times than any of us was there. It's always annoying but I don't think he does it on purpose.

I've looked for Japanese classes in my area yesterday but the few that I did find either didn't accept people under 18 or only take place during the second half of the school year. I probably won't be able to take any classes during the summer. T.T
Most of them are in areas far away and my parents wouldn't be willing to use up the gas to drive me there. I guess I'll just have to continue teaching myself. >.<
People make fun of me because I'm trying to teach myself Japanese from books and tapes but I think I did a good job.
My teacher even said that I could have skipped Japanese I if I wanted to. Unfortunately I was stupid and didn't switch and now I'm in this situation. Maybe I can take a class online...
My sister had a birthday party yesterday so there were a lot of annoying little kids running around and lots sugar.
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Saturday, May 6, 2006
I made a post this morning but it's not showing up. I feel like it's not worth waking up in the morning anymore.
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