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In my mind, in the most mundane and petty town ever
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not tellin'
umm...I don't know. I had straight A's my first year of high school.
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Does it matter?
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I don't really watch anime anymore but I like Rose of Versailles and Utena
- stop procrastinating
- learn to sew
- live instead of exist
- spend less time on the computer
- relearn Japanese
- Get more sleep
- Do well in school (without going insane)
- get a job
sewing, going online, obsessing
Being sad
| FruitDefendu
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, May 4, 2006
Anime goods
I want an anime shirt. The problem is that I can't find any shirts from my favorite anime.
I managed to find an Utena pin (which I lost)
I was thinking of using iron on transfers but I don't really want to.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
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Yesterday I stayed up late working on a project and I wasn't able to start on the other two. I was sleepy this morning. I basically worked on projects half the time today and I tried to get them motivated. None of them have even started nor do they want to start. My group in math would rather work on their homework instead of working on the project in class and they refuse to meet outside of school.
In English, the girls in my group spent the period doing each others make up and the boys were just screwing around. They said that they would finish it this weekend but yesterday they said that the weren't willing to do any work on the weekend.
I got to miss part of Spaninsh class to eat pizza. That was the highlight of my day.
After school my mom came to pick me up but her car broke down. We had to wait until 7 p.m. for someone to tow the truck and spend an hour driving us home.

I want to see the play at my school now but my parents probably won't take me. It would be a waste to drive all the way to school and find out that the tickets are sold out and have to go home. My parents won't do it.
I learned today that my math teacher has an evil laugh. I was asking her a question about math and glanced out the window. When she asked me what was I staring at I said " I see flowers and cards." She thought it was someone's birthday but when she looked out she saw students dressed up as flowers and playing cards for the Alice in Wonderland play. I heard her evil laugh and it was kind of creepy. She doesn't smile much and is very apathetic and sarcastic.
Meh, I don't know whatelse to say. This Dvorak thing is starting to cause more problems than it solves.
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Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Long day
It's been a REALLY long day. I started off in a bad mood in math class and it got worse in computer class when I was unable to finish as project on time and I had to use a QWERTY keyboard. I was ready to sleep in Spanish class and I had to stay after school to work on a group project. Procrastination has caught up with me because now I have to work on 3 projects instead of getting sleep.
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Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Ah, the mundane
I have another group project to do. Hmmm.... I should be working on them now but I'll start later.
They're having a play at my school.I don't really want to go. I live so far from the school anyway.
Hmm..We had a fundraiser and had to sell cookie dough and cheesecake from a magazine. Fundraisers like that suck if you're extremely shy like I am. Whenever I bring one home my dad complains. "I hate those things," he says. I don't know why he hates them so much. Even in elementary school I would go around door to door alone or with a friend the same age as me selling chocolate. He's never gone with me. In fact, he refuses to take them to work and asking his friends to buy something. T.T
I didn't sell much...which was the best I guess because the cheesecakes and cookie dough would probably melt by the time I get home.
I can't stand my sisters.    
I embarrass myself way too much at school. I always said that I would never act like those characters on tv who try to fit in a group that they'll never get in and try to get approval from people who hate them.
I didn't realize it at first. I was trying to find friends who had the same intrest as me but it turns out that even the anime fans have an exclusive clique now. 
They consider themselves to be "hardcore otaku" according to them I am just a noob. 
Today I sat alone at lunch about seven feet away from them like an idiot.
(I'm overusing the emoticons a bit.) I wish that I was oblivious and wasn't aware of anything.
I am addicted to this site but I make pretty short posts and my typing speed is still too slow. I'm just craving attention, which is stupid.
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Onaka ga suita...
My jump drive is permanently broken. My sister pulled it apart a while ago but I tried to fix it. It worked well until yesterday. Now I have to hold it in the same position or it will malfunction. It won't work if I breathe.
I think my partner is mad at me. I did my part of the project but she insists on making it pretty. I personally don't care as long as it doesn't look totally plain and we get a good grade. She rejected most of my ideas anyway.
Yesterday my parents made me feel like clawing my face.
My sadistic next door neighbor made me feel like strangling her, then stabbing her repeatedly. Unfortunately, that's illegal and my parents won't forbid her from coming over.
I'm not as sleepy as I usually am.
I should have taken two computer classes next year so I can be in front of a computer all year. Oh well. I have no electives. I don't know why.
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Monday, May 1, 2006
I want to finish Kurumi
Weee....I have a headace today. Didn't procrastinate as much as I usually do so...less guilt. I still have to work on projects though. Projects are a procrastinator's worst nightmare.
A lot of kids weren't in class today but I couldn't tell if they were boycotting or just taking the AP exams.
My mom stole the DVD player so I can't watch Kurumi, which I have to return to a friend by the end of this week. T.T
I've noticed that if I'm not doing something I should the more that I talk about it.
Come to think of it,the other dvd player is supposedly broken.
Yesterday I went to see the St. Micheal's Boy's Choir sing. They were really good. The junior choir sounds like a group of angels. Their voices are probably more high pitched than the choruses of women who sing the theme song to the Ghost in the Shell movie.
I wondered what happened once they hit puberty until I heard the senoir choir. They don't exactly sound like monks. I would have enjoyed it a lot more if my sisters weren't fighting and screaming throughout the whole concert.
I thought that they weren't human until a group of the youngest boys sat in front of me. I saw that each of them had their own Nintede DS and were playing games, talking and acting more human.
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Sunday, April 30, 2006
The usual
11:27 a.m.
I didn't blog yesterday. That's the first time since I joined that I missed a day. Ah well.
It's Sunday. 
I've been lazy all weekened, sleeping, eating and prcrastinating.
I'm going to try to start studying Japanese again so that I'm not completely lost next year.
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Friday, April 28, 2006
11:12 a.m.

pictures make my site more interesting and break up all the text.
Yesterday was very long. The clocks weren't working and I had trouble focusing. It was take your child to work day so technically I could have stayed home but I had 3 tests and a project that I didn't feel like making up.
After school I waited around because I was going on a feild trip to see the taping of a Spanish tv show. It was a boring bus ride. The girl sitting next to me fell asleep. We arrived at five and waited around for at least three hours for the show to start. I spent the first half of the two hours sitting alone until a girl started talking to me (Everyone was wearing nametags so people I didn't know were addressing me by name. )
Then we finally went inside and waited inside some more for the show to start. If I hadn't been sitting next to the girl I met earlier I would be so confused. It's frustrating. Even though I've been taking Spanish for three years I still can't understand a word. The audience was so loud I didn't hear most of the translation anyway.
Anyway the show went on for a long time and I felt sleepy. One of the kids from my school had the winning ticket for a car but they wouldn't give it to him because he was under 18. Another man won it instead and won five thousand dollars too. My mom drove me home because it was quicker that way.
It was a pretty discouraging field trip. I don't think I'll go all the way to AP Spanish like my dad wants me to. I understand why I should learn Spanish and I wish that I could speak it. However, all of my Spanish teachers have been extremely boring and none of the students in the class want to be there. If I go all the way to AP Spanish I may learn to conjugate a verb in the Subjunctive form but I'll never be able to understand my next door neighbor.
That being said, I'm even more discouraged about learning Japanese. I've been studying by myself on and off since the fifth grade and I managed to teach myself a lot but I have an even less chance to practice.

I think that there's something wrong with my school. Since I've started I've stopped doing all the things I loved such as learning Japanese and drawing. I've also been watching less anime but that's probably because I don't have friends who watch anime anymore.
I volunteered at the library again. The library I work at is next to a school so in the mornings it is filled with middle school kids. I used to think that they were loud and annoying but they leave it gets quiter and more boring. It's kind of depressing to see all of these friends hanging around like that. I wanted to volunteer at an elementary school but they never contact me.
Aferwards we picked up my sister from pre-school. High Schools have a lot to learn from pre-schools. For example, we should have a nap time. Considering most of the kids at my school wake up at around 5 a.m. I think that it would make sense. Second, we deserve a break that is seperate from the measly thirty minutes we have at lunch (we spend eight hours a day in school). Third, teachers should make an effort to make learning fun.
I'll think of more later.
They sent a letter to my mom saying that all parents must turn in a collage about their child's progress in school. My mom has handed that resposibility over to me. o.0
She says things like "I don't want to make one that looks like everyone else's. I want to make something creative."
Huh? I'm the one doing the collage. >.<;;
My typing speed is up to about 24 words per minute. That's lower the speed I wanted after weeks of learning Dvorak. I guess I need to practice more...
I have to go now. I'll finish the rest later.....
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Thursday, April 27, 2006
I'm working on a project in computer class that's due in two days but my partner is just flirting with people who aren't even in our group. It gets really annoying. I just wanted to post something even though because I won't be home tonight until at least 11 p.m.
None of the clocks in school are working so I'm frustrated when I look at the clock and it's always 11. I absolutely hate typing on the school computers now, even though Dvorak anywhere makes it a lot easier. My brain was on autopilot all throughout the test and quiz we had in math class.
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Decent day
I'd just like to thank everyone who's helped raise my spirits in the few days that I've been on this site

Ah, today I didn't procrastinate as much as I usually do ( I might actually get 7 hours of sleep tongiht!)
My dad was unusually nice to me this morning when he was driving me to school. Usually he is yelling that I should clean my room or something.
I have final exams in less than four weeks. I can't believe that the school year is almost over. It definately doesn't feel like it was just yesterday that I walked into school. back then I was naive and hopeful that I'd be happier now that I was going to a school where no one knew me I could make a fresh start.
It's been a long year if I think about it. I made a lot of mistakes that can probably never be fixed but I can't go back and change them.
I'm kind of disturbed by some of the things that the kids at my school say. When I'm around they act like it's a joke and wonder why I am so taking it personally but they show their true colors when they think that I'm not listening. The kids at my other school definately weren't as prejudiced against virtually EVERYONE who isn't exactly like them.
It makes me sad to hear them talk like that.

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