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In my mind, in the most mundane and petty town ever
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not tellin'
umm...I don't know. I had straight A's my first year of high school.
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I don't really watch anime anymore but I like Rose of Versailles and Utena
- stop procrastinating
- learn to sew
- live instead of exist
- spend less time on the computer
- relearn Japanese
- Get more sleep
- Do well in school (without going insane)
- get a job
sewing, going online, obsessing
Being sad
| FruitDefendu
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Finally some anime...
I've decided to add some anime pictures...just because. Also, the anime I like isn't that popular.

I've only seen about two episodes of this anime... ^.^ When I'm done with kurumi I'll continue watching it.
I definately have to log out now...
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More stuff
5:14 p.m.
Ay. I am reminded of another arrest. Before spring break a kid who had most of my classes this semester got arrested but know one told me the details.
I knew that he sold drugs in middle school, had been arrested before, and was part of a gang but I wasn't scared because he didn't seem that menacing.
Today, my English teacher told us that he brought a loaded gun to school everyday. He showed it to other people and even let them touch it. I think it might have been in math class that day we had a substitute and he was talking to a group of kids in my class. He shouldn't have done that because they snitched on him and now he's been suspended.
He seemed like a good person who wouldn't try to hurt anyone but you never know.
The sad thing is that I don't really miss him. I'm slightly less self conscious because I know he's not there.
We're reading Romeo and Juliet in English. The language is really confusing. Also, now that I'm reading the play the story seems less romantic. It seems like their love is based soley on appearance and they get married less than two days after they meet. I guess that's the way Shakespeare intended it to be though.
We had a substitute in Spanish class and our teacher left us a lot of work.
I told my mom that I thought I was depressed. She thought that I was being stupid.
I left my bookbag in her car. >.<;;
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In Comp Class Again
10:38 a.m.
What shall I write about today?
I'm not as sleepy as I thought it would be.
This morning I got up and looked for something... anyway
When I looked at the island I saw a newspaper article about my middle school art teacher who was arrested last semester on 37 acts of child molestation. All the article did was give more details on what happened. It also talked about how he pleaded not guilty and would go on trial soon.
I'm surprised that he's not in jail yet. I don't think that it's unthinkable for him to do something like that. I was in his class in the sixth grade and I even got to miss class to work on art projecs in his classroom. I'm surprised that something like that was going on and I didn't noitice.
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Monday, April 24, 2006
I'm heavy inside
You know what? I should just stop reading other people's blogs, going to other people's sites and looking at other people's work. It just upsets me probably because I envy everyone and everything. That is the sole reason for my fear of freshman because though they are younger than me they fit in and belong.
I like this blog because no one reads it and no one cares so I can be myself. Maybe I should be like that in real life so that I can stay sane. If I have no friends then I don't expect anyone to comment. It's not a surprise, just a fact.
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Yay! Thanks to quick Dvorak I can type Dvorak anywhere.
I'm in Comp class it's very boring. I should finish my Spanish homework. :-P
>.< I just erased everything that I just typed and gasped out loud in class. I'm in comp class by the way. We're doing presentations and I just want to get it over with.
Math class reminded me of anime. We were learning about indirect proofs. Our teacher used Frued as an example and said that you can't prove his theory that men like women like their mothers wrong, so therefore it is right (?! o.0)
It made me think of Evangelion and how Rei is a clone of Shinji's mom. It helped me understand how the series relates to Frued. Before I just thought that people were making it up.
I feel kind of sick. Why does this always happen right before I have to present? I have a problem with reaching non alphanumeric keys on Dvorak.
I made eggs for breakfast I tried to cook them slowly but that didn't work out. I have no domestic skills and I hate doing house work but maybe I could learn.
La la la la
*looks around nervously*
>.< *sigh* When can I present and stop feeling so sick?
Where is my jumpdrive? I don't know whether I left it in my room or if I was stupid and left it downstars for my sister to rip apart. (again)
grrr... this is why I hate Dvorak anywhere. It's so easy to delete everything you wrote.
Anyway... I was writing about how there was an announcement frqm our principal. Someone in our school died of cancer and they're collecting money for the funeral.
I bet they wouldn't be that sympathetic if I killed myself in the school bathroom. It would be an inconvenience.
I presented. I talked really quickly during the presentation-probably because I was so nervous. It seemed to go on forever. I need to work on my homework now so that I can watch Kurumi and give it back to Arwen.
I feel lazy again. School wasn't as bad as I thougt it would be. At least I didn't fall asleep in Spanish.
It's almost six. I should start working.
I've noticed that I say the word "doom" whenever I am nervous and I wisper the words "Aren't I cool?" to myself whenever I feel like a complete loser.
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
I hate Sundays
It Sunday again. This day is cursed. I began sobbing in church and I felt like crap.
I don't want help, I want to be dead.
Everyone and everything just go away.
I spent most of the day sleeping and I still haven't finished my homework. I have school tomorrow. I don't want to go. I guess air conditioning would be good for me though. I'm sure that I have a math test sometime next week.

I'm starting to feel sad again...
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Saturday, April 22, 2006
Lazy Saturday
Today is Saturday and I am supposed to finish homework and watch Kurumi but I didn't. I'd better go do that now.

Well, it's an hour later and I still haven't started on my homework.
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Friday, April 21, 2006
First posty
Ha! I am post!
Actually, the only reason why I have a profile on this site is to improve my Dvorak skills. I need to be back up to 60 words a minute in order to function properly in my Computer class. Right now I am in a limbo of QWERTY and Dvorak. I am so confused whenever I try to type in QWERTY I get so confused and I have to look at the keyboard while typing. However, whenever I try to type something in Dvorak I am so slow and I have to backspace all the time. >.<
Therefore, I will type everyday in Dvorak in this blog thingy and hopefully by Monday my typing speed will be faster.
That being said, I absolutely hate the position of the letter "F" on Dvorak. It is soooo hard to reach. Also I can never remember where the letters
"x", "j" and "q" are because I hardly ever use it. I can no longer type while looking at the keyboard. My fingers must rest on the home row or I will be so confused!
Behold Dvorak in all its glory!

I wish I actually had a Dvorak keyboard. Then I would be less confused when I look down at the keyboard. My dad would object though because then he would be confused.
When I "forgot" to change the keyboard layout back to QWERTY he was very confused and angry.
My dad is talking about switching back to dial-up
again. If he does go back to dial up I will go insane. It is impossible to do ANYTHING no the computer with dial-up.
*shivers just thinking about it*
Haha, rambling on and on like this is fun!
I bet that I'll never have any friends on this site. That's okay I guess. I mean, I'm used to it.
I wish I had my own computer with high speed internet...
I wish I was more like Danae. She's comfertable with who she is and people don't hate her for it.
I watched Fruits Baskets yesterday and realized that I am the exact opposite of Tohru Honda. I am selfish, glass half empty, and my self confidence has long been inexistant.
I've been listening to songs from the "Kandukondain Kandukondain" and "Taal" soundtracks all morning. I'm in love with the songs "Yengae Yenathu Kavithai", "Konjum Mainakkale" and "Taal se taal".
I want to watch the movie "Amelie" even though the DVD cover scares me.
My dad has just expressed his lazyness again. He's in his room watching TV and he asks me to come in from another room to turn off the TV for him. He does things like this all the time. If I were more used to expressing my opinions I would tell him to stop being so lazy.
I can almost type subconsciously now. Yay!
Gaaahhh! It's already past seven! I must log off now.
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