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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
I am on the verge of a mental breakdown. Thanks for not caring
This is one of those days where I want to reach down someone's throat and pull out his or her intestines.
I was harassed buy a bunch of assholes yesterday and its still hurting me today. Now, school is being a bitch.
I just want to crawl into a whole and hide there forever.
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Sunday, January 21, 2007
There is no hope. I must get to work. There is no time to think.
In other words, I'm depressed, but I procrastinated all weekend so I have to get my truckload of homework done today.
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
No Sugar?
I was planning on getting revenge on one of my classmates but things just have gotten worse for me. Now I am going to get in huge trouble with my mom and I've lost my time and over $30.
What should I do?
Hating people takes a lot of energy and I can never do anything about it. It's not fair. Am I supposed to just forget what she did?
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Friday, January 19, 2007
This Really Really Sucks
I am so screwed. I lost my mom's credit card and I am no where near achieving my goal of getting revenge on one of my classmates.
I basically spent the whole day sleeping. I got ripped off yesterday.
I did have a cool dream though. It's about a poor girl from the future who hates her abusive siblings and indifferent parents and runs away. She goes with three articles of clothes to a more suburban area and finds new parents who want to get the approval of their snobby relatives. And then she meets a girl from the past.
There was a part near the middle about two boys ripping a guy off while selling him mini octopuses and the "new" mother has a baby that she constantly feeds. It was funny because our modern day clothes was consideredd "old fashion" in the year 4007.
I bet that the world will be destroyed in a nuclear war or by global warming befor the year 4007 comes. Oh well.
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Thursday, January 18, 2007
I've been so "busy" with school that I have no time to post any entries. I'm so glad that this week is over.
I switched to Spanish class this week. Practically everyone in that class (except) is a native speaker. It's annoying. They speak So quickly that I can't even understand what they are saying.
Japanese class is BORING. I have no intrest in learning Japanese anymore since coming to this stupid high school. The class is moving too slowly anyway. :P
I wish that I knew how to pick locks. My Japanese school bag came today. It was REALLy expensive. I don't even think that it was worth the money. Oh well.
I'm a bad friend. Maybe that's why I don't have any friends in real life.
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Monday, January 15, 2007
I'm screwed
I have five chapters to read, tons of math problems, and an AP Euro test to study for by tommow. AND I have to clean my bathroom. On the bright side, I bought some new shoes today. I think that they look decent. I bough them at payless. I added ribbons so that they could look like ballerina slippers.

I've already broken most of my New Years Resolutions. T_T
All weekend I've been plotting to kill one of my classmates (again). I don't know if I'll go through with it though. I have a burning desire to kill this person but it's a lot of work and planning and I could spend the rest of my life in jail (unless I kill myself the minute I commit the murder).
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Saturday, January 13, 2007
This sucks
So, I went to the dentist today to get my teeth cleaned and I had a horrible revelation. I have cavities. TONS of them. T^T
NO FAIR! I have never had cavities in my life and now I go to the dentist and learn that I have one one EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY MOLARS?
This is worse than braces.
It's going to cost $125 per tooth to get fillings. This is just not fair. I don't drink soda, I try to brush after every meal AND I only drink water. Now the stupid dentist's assistant wants me to change my entire diet.
I asked my mom to buy me an electric toothbrush but she refuses. HELLO?! IS ANYONE THERE? I HAVE 50 MILLION CAVITIES! I NEED A FREAKING ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH YOU CHEAP BITCH.
In other news, I have tons of homework. I hate school.
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Friday, January 12, 2007
Life HATES me
I've already expressed several times that I hate school. I would be happy to take all my classes online, but the college admissions deans are pricks and think that online classes are "easier".
My parents are totally unsupportive of my descision to change school.
My mom has just been a complete bitch about it and says that I should stay at my current school even though its a million miles away from my house and filled with width idiotic preps and incompetent teachers
My dad just keeps on asking me, "Why do you want to change schools? Why do you want to change schools? Why do you want to change schools?" (ad nauseum).
My guidance counselor always ends up forcing me to do something that I don't want and my therapist just sits on her lazy ass and tells me a bunch of B.S.
I guess this is the punishment I get for not knowing what I want to be when I grow up. It's unfair. People who fail at life such as myself are the reason why God created suicide.
The other day I was having fantasies of just shooting everyone that I hated. Its too bad that it can't become a reality.
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Back To School
*Sigh* Boy do I hate school. Our vacation officially ended today and school was so tiring.
Even the one class that I thought would be interesting bored me to tears. I need a schedule change but the guidance counselors won't let me get one.
I have homework to do. I HATE math and I have the worst teacher ever. Most of her students fails her class and her voice is annoying.
I also have to review tons of stuff.
I don't want to go to school. I just want to sit around at home all day and take online classes. Maybe that's what I'll do next year...I feel stupid.
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Monday, January 8, 2007
The clock is ticking
*cries uncontrollably* T^T
Some stupid person bid at the last minute. It's not fair.
I guess it's silly for me to cry over this. My stalker is homeless now with no money. He has it way worse than I do. Still, I wanted to win so badly! I watched that auction for hours and stopped watching the last 20 minutes. Then some idiot bid at the last minute.
I called my guidance counselor today. She always forces me to do something that I don't want. Grr
I called to get a schedule change this upcoming semester but she convinced me not to get it.
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