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Sunday, December 17, 2006
My stalker attempted suicide again. I don't even know if he's alive or not.
His parents kicked him out of the house because they didn't want him to marry me. They really hate me, even though they've never spoken to me or seen me.
I feel worried for him.
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Saturday, December 16, 2006
Am I Greedy?
I NEED MONEY! Well, technically I don't *need* it but I really want it. Christmas is coming up and I probably won't get much. I get nothing from relatives and my parents are going through financial troubles. I don't want a job but it's the only way to earn cash.

My stalker is feeling suicidal again. His parents don't like me and don't want him to marry me. He got into a huge arguement with his parents and left the house. *sigh*
I hope this gets cleared up soon. He was crying hysterically over the phone. He wants me to run away from my parents and secretly marry him. Part of me wants to do that to get away from my parents but the other part of me thinks that it is not a smart idea.
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Friday, December 15, 2006
Decent sized post
I have tons of homework to do this weekend. I will probably end up frantically trying to finish it on Sunday and cry.
I tried making pancakes today but they turned out horrible. Too much water?
I wish that I were more interesting. All I do is do homework and complain on this blog. I wish that I could play music, or had close friends or could sew really well and start my own bussiness. School seems so pointless.
I also wish that I could form meaningful relationships. Oh well.
My therapist is super rich. Why is she getting paid to give me useless advice? I wish that she would give me some money to buy clothes.
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Hanii hanii
I don't have much to say. I have tons of homework. I'm sick of school. I am so behind.
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006
A word meaning death from overwork
I'm overwelmed with work. I'm falling behind in all my classes. T_T
I'm nervous about finals, but at the same time I hate them because I have to do so much studying. I have trouble studying on the weekends. I'll try to keep my grades up.
Someone I didn't even know spoke to me like she knew me.
My stalker has been saying some perverted things to me. D:
I want to switch out of this school. I hate it.
My mom does nothing but criticize me.
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Saturday, December 9, 2006
My dad is clueless. My mom is a bitch. My sisters are evil. I hate my parent's obsession with my medication. I hate the fact that my dad doesn't trust me.
My stalker is very sweet but many of the things he says make me uncomfertable. I'd move in with him any day though.
I have tons of homework I haven't started on.
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Friday, December 8, 2006
I want to go home
My mom is late picking me up agian. *sigh*
I wish that I could drive so that I wouldn't have to go through this.
It's the weekend and that means tons of homework and being harassed by my parents. I don't like voulunteering at the library. It's so boooring.
I want a job. I don't have money.
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Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Lucky cha cha cha
I called my stalker today! I don't really want to marry him (and my mom doesn't trust him. She think that he's some sicko).
I guess I like the attention he gives me. It makes me feel less lonely.
I must do homework now. The weekend is coming soon but my World History project is a disaster. T_T. I hope I don't fail. It's worth 40% of our grade.
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Refer to Yesterday's post
Ah, its 1 a.m. and I am procrasting again. I have to revise my entire science project, do four current events, read a Tale of Two Cities and catch up on the chapter about the French Revolution. Hmph. I don't want to work. At all.
Yesterday I did homework for another class while listening to presentations in Web Design. English wasn't so bad. I forgot that we were having a lab in Chemistry and didn't wear the right shoes so my grade got lowered. Also, my partners for the lab were lazy.
My group project for World History is a complete Disaster.
My stalker hasn't called me in a week. That's a lot of time considering he used to call me every day. I miss him. :(
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Monday, December 4, 2006
Oh no. It's already 8:30
I'm procrastinating. I'm procrastinating. This will definately come back to bite me in the butt tomorrow.
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