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In my mind, in the most mundane and petty town ever
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not tellin'
umm...I don't know. I had straight A's my first year of high school.
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I don't really watch anime anymore but I like Rose of Versailles and Utena
- stop procrastinating
- learn to sew
- live instead of exist
- spend less time on the computer
- relearn Japanese
- Get more sleep
- Do well in school (without going insane)
- get a job
sewing, going online, obsessing
Being sad
| FruitDefendu
Sunday, October 8, 2006
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Had I written this post last night, it would be filled with a lot of profanity, anger and whining. However, now I've calmed down and I don't feel like going into detail about why I was so upset. (hysterical would be a better adjective)
My eyes/head hurts. This always happens when I cry way too much. My mom was a total bitch to me yesterday. By the time I got to the homecomming dance, I was bawling like a stupid baby with red eyes and snot all in my nose and no tissues or a sweater (my mom woldn't let me bring them).
I ate food, I sat around and talked to people, I didn't dance and I stared at the "dances" that people did.
My mom is such a hypocrite. Whenever she is mean to me she pretend that she doesn't remember.
The most fun that I had that night was playing with the confetti on the table.
I wish that I could shave my head and tatoo "FXXK YOU, AMERICAN STANDARD OF BEAUTY!" on my forehead. I cannot understand nealy burning myself and spending an entire day and money on attempts to change my hair.
I won't be going to any type of social event any time soon.
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