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Sunday, January 8, 2006

   o ghod, g2g
well, it really sux, but i won't b on for awhile, and i haven't been on my site for awhile ne wayz, but stuff at skool is getting really bz. i've got lessons on tuesdays, set design for the play throughout the week, the skool newspaper to rite for, my pix and stories that i rite non-stop, everything else that we do in our family, and just plain o' skool! geez, i should b less bz soon tho...hopefully, i'll try my best to come on!!!
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Monday, January 2, 2006

hey everyone! happy new year! itz the 2nd, but I 4got to tell u all...i think, that I was going away and wouldn't b back till 2day! I went to Iceland, it was awesome.
i g2g now, but i'll tell u all bout it l8r, promise!

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Thursday, December 15, 2005

'ello every1!!! yesterday was awesome, but i 4got to take da pic of Jared!!! >. this really sux tho, cuz Corpse Bride doesnt come out till Jan.31, and Howl's Moving Castle doesn't come out till Mar6th!!! y did it hafta come out 5 days after my b-day? y y y??? omg, i g2g! itz really late!
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

well, i had a very kreepi dream last nite...it all started yesterday(this isn't the dream) in English when my friend Emily told me about this dream she had of Roy Mustang wearing mini skirts. that's all she could remember of the dream, but hey, that's already too much to handle. so last nite, i had a dream that i was sitting in english class, and me teacher was talking about our hmwk, when all of a sudden, Roy Mustang burst through the window in this ensemble:
~Bright pink hat
~tight tank top
~a plaid green and pink mini skirt
~high heels
Well, it was very kreepi, and i woke up @ 2:07, like normal. Whenever I have some wacked out dream like that(which is often, most of my dreams r messed up), I always wake up at 2:07!!! i have no clue y, i just do.
So now I've g2g get ready 4 skool, i'll b sure to tell Emily about this, she influenced my dreams...O.O...oh yay!
Today is the day I'm putting an elephant nose on my friend Jared! lol, it'z a long story, and I can explain, but I dun have time rite now. lol, I'll b back l8r today mayb, and I'll tell ya the whole story.lol.
P.S-wut'z really funni is that i'm g2 take a pic of Jared the elephant...XD

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Saturday, December 3, 2005

piggy! y spider!

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

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   whoa, long time, no see!
man, I haven't updated my posts in like, forver! so sorry! Skools good so far, seems like this year is going by so quickly, it's already the 2nd quarter! but hey, I dun mind it going so fast, I miss summer vacation already! lol, i've been sooo bz this year!:
~Modified Cross Counrty(fall)
~Smoke Signals(skool newspaper)
~Jazz piano lessons
~Select Chorus

I was g2 b in Jazz Band(piano), but since I'm not in the normal band, I couldn't do it! How dumb is that, there's a piano in the jazz band, but not in the plain old band, so I'm not in band, I can't b in band. It's so dumb! It bugs me soooo much, but my chorus teacher said that for our next concert & so on, I could play the piano instead of her, so that will rock. We're even g2b singing some jazz pieces hopefully!
Well, everything has been great here, but I wish the snow would stick to the ground, it was snowing earlier, and it wouldn't pile up outside! I realllllly want snow! I'm sooo bz, I'm doing something every weekend(everyday) until January 6th! I'm heading to Iceland on the 22nd, I can't wait! I g2g, my friend is coming down from Malone, and I g2g the house picked up. I'll talk to you guys l8r, promise!
P.S-Ne 1 ever heard of Lenore?

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