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myOtaku.com: FruitsBasket4Life

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Guestbook Entries:

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chibilala (06/29/08)

EEEEIIII!!! A FURUBA FAN!!! XDD ello ello ello!!! well.. LOVE UR SITE... im new around here so hopwfully you can swing by! l8r!


sango1800 (05/18/06)

Hello. I added u as a friend. visit my site sometime. I LUV FRUITS BASKET!
shigure/akito forever!

PopGirl1981 (05/03/06)

hey i luv the site and i luv furuba oh and i added u to my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! check out mine sometime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HeavenlyRose (04/07/06)

Hey nice site its so cool.love it anyways hope you check out my site if you can and hope you wont mind me adding you as a friend,oh and i love your avater!!

See you around!!!
Peace and Harmony^ ^**

yu yu girl (03/18/06)

hey cool colors you got her!!!
FRuit basket rocks my socks!!!! hiws your fav. fruit member!!!!

ganster 2max (03/08/06)

hi i am going to make you my friend and if you have time sign my gb too thanks

freeziepleasy (01/09/06)

Hello. *waves in an eerie sort of way Oh, you can read my friend's story at fanfiction.net. just type in the title in the search engine under fruits basket, and the link should pop up.
That's good that you're keeping up with your school and homework and stuff. For some reason, even though i've got a ton of ap courses, i find time to go on this site and draw. Well, good luck with school for you. YOu keep doing your homework. :)
oh yeah, and i'm glad you liked my artwork. :) maybe i'll check up on your artwork soon too. :) i'll stop putting so many smiley faces. :) d'oh! XP j/k

fruitcrazy (01/02/06)

I like your site! I like the colors ^_^ Can I add you!!

silverdragongirl (01/02/06)

wow, ur site seems really cool! i luv the color scheme, orange, green and black are like my fav colors! hehe, and fruits basket is like my all time favorite manga((it would be my fav anime too, but i havent seen the show)), plus i like most of the other animes u do, like shaman king, one piece, inuyasha, FLCL, and FMA! woohoo! lol, well im gunna add u as a friend! ttyl! byebye!

LAURA-CHAN (01/02/06)

I'm addin u as a friend cos u have a really cool page, and I love Furuba 2!WHo is your fave character?
I like Kyo the best!*hugs*Anyway, hope you come check mi page out sometime and sign my guestbook!

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