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myOtaku.com: FruitsBasket4Life

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Maiden of life (12/15/05)

KOnnichiwa!!! Hi nice ro meet u^^ Luv the site=^^= meow I hope we can be great friends^.^ Come visit my site sumtime, Ja Ne! ^-^

~Major Alchemist of Life

NarutoUzamaki (12/07/05)

Hey! I love your site! And that avatar. Is that who I think it is? Faust VIII is...um... OK. He became good later, but he hurt Morty first. And that's not cool at all. Anyway, drop by sometime and I'll add u as a friend, if u don't mind. Cya!


VampireHunterX (12/03/05)

hey i loved ur site i hope u will sign my gb and we can be friends


PoeticPoison (11/24/05)

Hello Fruitsbasketfan,
I love the colors on your site.I also like your avatar and background. I too like Fruits Basket. I also like some of the other anime you like such as One Piece, InuYasha, FLCL, Full Metal Achlemist. Come by my site sometime.

metal-inuyasha (11/17/05)

hello who ever you are
this one is going to random sites
and i came to yours
and when i come to a site, i sign the
wait, no, i don't mean i sign the zombie
i mean i sign the Guestbook
thats what i do,,any-who,,just wanted to let you know i stopped by
see ya

~may Peace be with you in a world of Zombies

Hiroko Kun (11/15/05)

I love Fruits basket and this site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well adding as a friend!!!

BlackfireDA (10/25/05)

hiya luv da site keep it up
plz drop down ma site n check it out oh n i hop u dont mind me addin u in as a friend n i hop u do da same

greenfuruba (10/08/05)


i love ur site. the backround is the best. im a furuba fan too. i hope you come and visit! XD

~greenfuruba out!~

CowBoy Bebop Fan (08/07/05)

Hey nice site come visit mine sometime o ya sign my gb to thanks

Chaos Eidolon (07/17/05)

nice site! i love howls castle 2! and all the ghibli films, there all so heart-warming :D miyazaki is a genius! anyway, nice site! ttul!

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