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myOtaku.com: FruitsBasket4Life

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Guestbook Entries:

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KatKat1 (07/17/05)

I love ur site!I LOVE FRUITS BASKET TOO!Kyo is so hot^^!I'm adding u as a friend!Come 2 my site anytime!Remember,enjoy life,go crazy,and eat ramen.lol^^!!!

hishyama shark (07/09/05)

heh, cool site here. Add me as frend ok? I is adding you too.

smileyb94 (07/03/05)

hello I love fruits basket also my fave charecters are haru and kyo

ice cat (06/30/05)

wow another fruist baskets fan!!! hi! your sites awsome! and i hope you dont mind me adding you as a friend

aly5806 (06/30/05)

Hi! I really like your site. I love Furuba! Oh, and thanx for the cookie! Feel free to come sign my GB if you have time! Buh-Bye! Aly5806

divinemistress (06/26/05)

yur really into Furuba^.^ nice site, i'll be adding you as a friend

Neko Kage (06/22/05)

i like the bg it's kool ^-^ hope u don't mind me addin ya as a friend!!


AngelofDark12 (06/21/05)

Konnichiwa Ryuu-chan!
I like ur site! And being the huge fan of Furuba, I love ur bg! :P thanks for commenting on my art! i'm glad u like it! oo! since we share the same interests...i'd love to be friends with u! i'm going to add u! i hope u do too! i'd be very happy if u did!
Ja ne!


gundamgirl276 (06/19/05)

Hey cool site!Like the colors!
A friend told me to visit you so I am.Really like your site and I'll add you as a friend ok?Bye!

JungWoo (06/18/05)

hey fellow Furuba lover! i should have met u sooner when my site waz in a Fruits Basket theme lolz, oh well. your colorz are super Kinky WOOT! WOOT (kinky is good not bad, just so u know ^-^) i love yr site, you've got spunk c ya!

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