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myOtaku.com: FruitsBasket4Life

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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savani (04/15/05)

your site is da best!!! i love the gb!!!
fruits basket rox sox!!
i'm gonna add u as a freind, k?

Mimiru gurl (04/05/05)

Greetings fellow fruits basket fan!
your site is very kewl! ^-^
Hope you can visit my site!

Mimiru gurl~*

CrazedMiko (04/04/05)

Love ur site! Especially the pics in the background. Hatori's really awesome, he's my second fav character in Fruits's Basket. I'll add u as a bud as well!

EvilKrad (04/01/05)

Hey! cool background! I love your site! fruits basket is awesome! I'm adding ya as a friend! well bye!
I hope you add me as a friend and visit my site sometime

heruchigu (03/28/05)


how are you? I hope you day on the Myotaku is going well ^^ i like your site, the site name is cool as well very nice work you've done. Hatori loks so sexy in the dancing clothes ^^ well see ya around (not like I can actually see you) don’t forget to check out Juvenile Orion! ( my theme )
anywho...gotta go! (runs away)


dream wings (03/28/05)

you like fruits basket, too? yay!
i really llike your site and your avi! oh, i hope that you don't mind, i'm adding you as my friend!
*waves* bye! hope to talk to you soon!
~dream wings

SammyJoe (03/26/05)

i like your site, how do you get the pic in the back of your posts? well ttyl
add ya

Michiyo Shimizu (03/26/05)

I love your site, it's awesome!! tee, i'm assured that I'm gonna add u as friend! ^_^ tee, i'm so gonna. ^_^ tee, yay! tee, please visit my site sometime ok?! YAY!! tee hee! ^_^

kari asota (03/26/05)

Whats up,
Hey i love the background! Hatori rocks! well thanks for signing my GB, i thought i would return the favor LOL well g2g hope to see ya round

Chibi Bishi (03/24/05)

Hi, thx so much 4 signing my gb! i love ur site! hatori is so HOT!! ne ways i c ur new here:) if u need help w/ nething just pm me, and i'd b happy 2 help:)

~Chibi Bishi

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