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myOtaku.com: FruitsBasket4Life

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Guestbook Entries:

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redmoonchick (03/24/05)

hi i love your site fruits basket rocks! it's my fave and so is hatori (luv him) anyway im totally adding you as a friend see ya around~redmoonchick~

Takara Sohma (03/24/05)

*gasps* Another Fruba fan! Yay! *runs up to shake your hand* Nice to meet you! I'm Takara, but if you'd like you can call me Kara or T-chan.

^ ^;

Anyway, I love your site! It's so ... well, I love the color scheme, and your avatar ... I love Hari! ^___^

I'll leave you alone now. Sorry if I scared ya. Hope to see ya around!

xkinky luverx (03/24/05)

hey!! i like fruits basket!! well not a lot.... but still very much!! ... and kyo is absolutly hott! (of course not he only one that is..) i dont noe, i love it, then think of others, then i think back to fruits basket, and absolutly love it again! ... ok well bye!

dark angel103 (03/24/05)

O_O.... I love your site! Fruits Basket is the best! I havent seen the anime U_U But I have read the mangas!! I am going to add you as a freind. Make sure to keep in touch!!

Vi3tnam (03/24/05)

cool site.

animelover1321 (03/23/05)

hi its me animelover1321 i love your site pretty colors and stuff and awsome background it looks really cool well thank you for signing my guest book and i will talk to you later ~(^-^~)


angel kat (03/23/05)

Love your site! Fruits Basket is one of my favorite anime! I am adding you as a friend and please stop by my site and sign my gb.Thanks!Bye!

di-gi-riku (03/22/05)

Hi! Like your site! I love the fruits basket anime! Hatori is my fav character, besides Kisa! But, I like Kyo the best! Well, stop by my site later! See ya!

shade the great (03/22/05)

I like your site its different and the colors are awesome

dark angel 2009 (03/22/05)

hey i like you site is awsome! come by mine sometime mind if i add you as a frined?.....peace out!

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