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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

   blah blah blah!
Grrrarr! I still have homework to do for summer vacation. >O I called my friend Elena yesterday to see if she could come over, and her brother Louis said she was out. Then I went online and was talking to my friend Sam(who's b-day was the 15th. Pool party too), and I told her I was waiting for Elena to call. She said, "Elena's on her way home." I was confused, is Sam pyhsic? No, she had invited Elena over earlier that day. I wonder if they had practice for this play they're g2 b in. Sam is acting, but I think Elena's doin sumthin else...hmm, dunno! Oh well, that's it for now I guess.

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Monday, August 15, 2005

   Heh heh heh O.O'
Today I'm going to my friends birthday party, and I hope it doesn't rain! It looks as if it will...O.o...It's a pool party too....grrarrr! For once, I don't want it to rain! creepy huh? Lol. It's later today, 3pm, and it's 9:13am. I think I'm g2g draw...hmmm....I'll draw Shanks I think...*thinks*
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Saturday, August 13, 2005

My story
It's before 8am....Z.z....I dunno what I should do. I dun wanna go back to sleep...hmm...I think I'll listen to some music and type part of my story up....hmmm...oh! I found this site that has One Piece translations....I think I'll read the next few chapters too....Z.z....
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005

sorry guys!
Hey everyone! I know I haven't been around lately! >.< SORRY! I went away suddenly, and I didn't have time to tell you guys. I had fun, but I g2g now. I gotta a lot to catch up on TheOtaku, as you can imagine. tootleoo!
P.S-One Piece rox...lol...

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Sunday, July 17, 2005

   ...me bored...
Grarrrr...nuthing to do today it seems. Last night after dinner, I was searching through our cupboards and refrigerator and my sister was just staring at me cuz we had just finished eating dinner. "Stop staring at me, will ya?" "But what are you lookin 4?" "I'm hunting for fruit! I know we have some somewhere..*pulls open a bin, and finds nectarines* Yay!"...*munch munch*...lol...it was funi...ttyl

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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

I'm SOOO HAPPY 2DAY!!! I saved my boyfriend. He was dying...and last nite...i dunno what I did, but I saved him! He's not dying anymore! Isn't that wonderful? I also finished reading Howl's Moving Castle....I <3d it soo much! I <3 Howl! He rox mi sox!
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Monday, July 11, 2005

I SOOO HAPPI!! I got Howl's Moving Castle! The book, the movie won't b out till November...t.s.s(tis so sad)...neways, I also have a ? 4 every1!: Does n e 1 no where I can find some Howl's Moving Castle pix???? I need some! lol

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Saturday, July 9, 2005


adopt your own virtual pet!

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Friday, July 8, 2005

   Howl's Moving Castle
yay yay yay!!! I FINALLY saw Howl's Moving Castle yesterday!!! IT WAS SOOOOOOOOO COOLIE!!!! I <3 IT!!!! YAY YAY YAY!!! HAI I DO! but the sad thing is that it comes out in November...-___-
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005

   Juvenile Orion
hey, does anyone know ehere I can find good pix from Juvenile Orion Aquarian Age? I picked up the 1st book a few days ago and I like it. ^ - ^ Once I like a new manga, I have to find pix from it!!!
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