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Monday, July 4, 2005

bored bored bored....yay!
I've been sooo bored so far(summer vacation wise), and this weekend I'm like, BZ!!! On Sat, we had a b-day/4th of July party @ my cousin's house(they have a pool, bg 1, and I got to c my 2 5 & 6yr old cousins XD), Sunday, and today we're doin stuff w/ my friends from RI and Malone(NY). Fun Fun Fun...

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Thursday, June 30, 2005

   My 8yr old sis's pet-Fireball!!!

adopt your own virtual pet!

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adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

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   Y I asked
Okay, that question I asked about earlier...see, it's true, my best friend who's in the hospital right now(he's my new boyfriend too! XD), he's killed 5 people like that. He never meant too:
1.a random guy that was murdered on the street
2. & 3.my deceased boyfriend's parents over 7 years ago
4.Heddi(bf)'s cousin
5.My deceased boyfriend Hamur
So...that's pretty creepy huh? It's true though...O.O

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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

   Question 4 Every1!!!
Okay, this is a wierd question:
Have you ever had a dream that someone died, and then within the next 24hours they did?
P.S-I'm being serious. I'll tell you why l8r.

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Saturday, June 25, 2005

Hey everyone, yesterday I read the COOLEST BOOK....in my opinion. It's called The Raging Quiet, by Sherryl Jordan. Has anyone read it? It is SOOOO good! I started it yesterday morning, and when we went to lunch, dinner, or anywhere else, I got pissed off cuz I wanted to keep reading. Here's a summary:
Set in an indefinite time and place that suggest pre-industrial Ireland, this story follows the fortunes of Marnie, eldest sister of a large family of tenant farmers. When the landowner's son takes an interest in her, though she is not drawn to him, she accepts his offer of marriage to help her family and travels with him to his dead grandmother's run-down cottage by the sea, which he claims is worth the whole of the rest of his family's estate.

Only a few days into their marriage, the bridegroom dies from a fall while thatching the roof. Marnie is left to fend for herself in a village of suspicious and superstitious locals where only the priest befriends her. The one other person with whom she has contact is a young boy called "Raver" by the villagers who believe he is mad.

Gradually she comes to believe he is not mad, but deaf. She devises hand signs and wins first his trust, then his devotion as she opens a world of communication to one who has been isolated and ostracized his whole life, though the priest has taken care of him. However, upon seeing her effect on the mad boy (whose name Marnie has changed to "Raven") the locals decide that Marnie must be a witch.

I highly recommend this book to any romance readers, or anyone who enjoys reading. It is MY FAVORITE book!!!! EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I g2g, I'm hungry, & I'm g2 start reading The Raging Quiet again.^-^
I <3 it!!!

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Wednesday, June 22, 2005

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Hey, I'm have technical difficulties w/ my music ok? I got to get it right sometime!

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   Last Day of School
Yay today is the last day of school! And I really happy because of something else!!! I REALLY WANNA TELL ALL YOU GUYS, but I wanna tell all my friends from school first. Sorry! XD SORRY SORRY SORRY!!!

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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

2MORROW IS THE LAST DAY OF SKOOL 4 ME!!! YAY!!! I ONLY HAVE TO TAKE 1 MORE FINAL!!! I SOOO HAPPI! YAY!!! *hugs self* I think I did really well on all of my exams. A's and A+s!(they were like that last year too) Well, I g2g2 my sis's skool for this presentation thingy, I don't have anything else to do newayz. TTYL

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