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Friday, June 17, 2005

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My friend and I have worked things out! Yay! I happi! And I got to talk to my firend that's in the hospital, on IM, and he's doing okay. He says her looks really pathetic though. It make me laugh sorta. He's been swimming, running, and playing soccer for a long time, and well, he's always been thin, but he had great figure(we're talking a six-pack here), and now he says he looks pathetic. His wonderful figure is gone, but hey, as long as he's alive, and I know that once he's back on his feet, he'll be as fit as ever! ^-^ No doubt ^-^ lol..he thought today was Wednesday though, he slept 2 days straight, so he's behind. I'm happy though. It was nice talking to him. And I'm glad he's feeling okay today.
P.S-My Spanish exam was super ez! ^-^

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ugggg...I'm so mad/dissappointed! Yesterday on AIM, I was talking to my friends Jess and Mollie in a chatroom. Then all of a sudden, Jess said that this whole thing with my friend in the hospital, and my boyfriend dying was all to much like a dream! And that it was too scary to be real. I can agree w/ her on that(and I've had dreams like all this before). And then Mollie said she thought I had made them up! Why would I do something like that? Who would do something like that? It's cruel! I can't b-leave her! Does she really know how close to me those ppl are? How much I care for them???! How horrible it was to have your boyfriend die, and not be able to go to their funeral or anything!? And when you found out from your friend on the phone, how painful it was to just cry there, instead of being with your best friend, to cry on his shoulder!!!!!!!!? SERIOUSLY!!!? Does she really know all the pain I've gone through this year!? I would've loved to have a great year, and I would if I didn't care about these ppl. If I had a cold heart, even if I knew them, it wouldn't matter...but I don't, and she had to say something so horrible, "I mean, how can I know that someone hasn't just made them up? And is lying to me?" Her life is great, all her friends live in the US, she gets good grades in school(I do too..actually she's g2 summer school for Pre-Algebra). My life is even more wonderful I think, because I have friends all over the world, but then again, I don't get to see them often, they live 1000s of miles away...i-i. Mollie's had boyfriends before, but nothing to serious. I know that if he was still alive, my boyfriend and I would've gone out for a long time, years. He died 5dyz after his 15th birthday.
We've gotten in fights before, but nothing like this. I'm glad we have finals right now, I won't even see her today, I take Spanish, she takes Japanese. I'm dissapointed that a friend like her would say something like that...

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Thursday, June 16, 2005

Wow, that was an ez exam. My proctor said it was the hardest out of all the 7th grade exams, and I was working on it, and I'm like, "Wow, what a hard test" Sarcastically speaking of course, it was SOO ez! Yay! Well, 2morrow I have a Spanish exam, and I got a 100% last year, I'm such an arsty person, language arts, music, art, all that stuff is EXTREAMLY ez to me...^-^

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GRRRARRRRRRRRR!!! I have an evil English exam today.....!-!....I H8 EXAMS!!!!!!!!!!!! I've studied and everything, I JUST H8 EXAMS!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!..*huff huff*....okay, I better...g2g get ready! ^-^

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

   varick b-in nice again
lol...that was a wierd title...
NEWAYZ....Vairck e-mailed every1 in the US that Heddi knows, and has an e-mail address, and told them wat's going on with him, and my friend freaked out when she got it. HE'S G2 B OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....g2g

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   hi hi ppl...
Hey guys...yesterday sucked....well, it wasn't THAT bad, but it wasn't that great either.
Plus-My friend Mollie got AIM; FINALLY!!!; it was the last day of my music, tech, math, and social studies class.
Minus-Moll didn't ASK to download it, so she got in some trouble, I don't think it was that much tho; I didn't get to talk to her online cuz I had to babysit; today I still have one class of science, spanish, englich, and gym/studyhall;AND THE WORST OF THEM ALL-------my best friend is in the hospital. T-T
Yeah....it sux all right. He's been sick for such a long time this year, nonstop, and yesterday(his brother told me), Varick, his eldest brother had to take him to his neighbors, who are doctors, who then took him to the hospital. I guess he's been so sick all of a sudden this year(he hasn't been sick in over 2 yrz), that it was messing up his body. And he has a broken arm -_-...that was his fault though. He's at the hospital because he's severly under-weight, and if he gets any thinner, he could die of starvation, even though he eats plenty everyday!T-T
This year hasn't been the best year on my account, but hey, summer vacation's coming! I'm going to try and stay optimistic! Like my friend Jess always says,"Don't worry, be happy now!!!"...I g2g to skool, last day till finals! Yay!!!

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I called my best friend's house yesterday, and his oldest brother picked up, "Hey Varick, is Heddi there???" He said, "Yeah" "Can I talk to him???" "No, he can't talk rite now..."...*awkward silence*..."Wellllllll....why not? Is he okay? Did something happen? Why hasn't he talked to me? Since last Thursday!? AHHHH!!!!!......" "Calm down Kisa...uhh....I g2g, bless bless"...*hung up*...
GRRRRRARR!!!!!!!! I wanna know what's going on! I'm scared! Heddi hasn't talked to me since last Thursday, and I don't know why! He's ignoring me for some reason! T-T...

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Friday, June 10, 2005

TODAY IS FRIDAY!!!! I HAPPI I HAPPI I HAPPI!!! Skool was pretty funny.
We were leaving the cafeteria, and my friend was walking out with her boyfriend, and so, my friends thought we should give them some time alone, because he's moving away at the end of the year, and they just started going out, and skool's almost over. ANYWAYZ!!!...my friend Demi and I were pushing eachother while walking down to the 7th grade wing, and then we were pushing all of our other friends, and then I went and pushed my friend that was t2 her bf. She got pissed w/ me, and hit me with her shirt that she was having ppl sign, and a gym teacher/coach saw her, and he said,"What did you just throw at that girl?!"(I don't have him yet, but I've heard he's nice/coolie) And so she got in trouble...oops...kinda my fault huh? Well, she keeps telling me that she's g2 kill me, but we're pretty close, so I HIGHLY doubt that she will go through with her plan, lol...but I really feel bad, cuz after I did it, I realized that she probably wanted to talk with her bf, and that was kinda annoying, and possibly embarrasing....SORRY!!!!!!!....it's hard for me to tell what's embarrasing, because I rarely get embarrsed....lol..one of my many awesome traits, but I would have to say that I often get carried away...lol...

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Thursday, June 9, 2005

OMG MY PIX R SOO COOL!!! The one with my friends Danielle and Ben looks SOO cool! And I've shown it to some ppl, and they keep asking me if their going out! Which makes me laugh, cuz they're like COMPLETE opposites!!! Danielle is kinda loud, annoying, and sometimes mean. Ben is quiet, nice all the time, and is a pleasure to hang around with. I think Ben is more my friend than Danielle, she drives me CRAZY!!
Today in science class, my teacher had the class go around to ppl and ask them if they knew the units of measurments on this sheet, and when u found some1 that did, u wrote their name on the line next to the answer. this is a way she picks partners. She'll say,"Get w/ ur partner 4 question #_" Then u work w/ that person. I brought the pic of Danielle and Ben to science class, and I had shown it to Ben, who didn't want ne 1 to c, cuz, like i said, their opposites, and I had asked Danielle to do it, and Ben wasn't happi bout it. SO...Ben ended up being my partner 4 that activity, and Danielle "invited" herself into our group, which DRIVES ME CRAZY!!! She thinks that we automatically r g2 work 2gether, in EVERYTHING!!! And, 4 1ce, i wanted 2 work w/ some1 else...hissss...and then she started being mean to Ben. She was flinging rubber-bands at him, at copying our answers, FOR REVIEW 4 D FINAL! IT REALLY BUGS ME!!!...but I saved Ben from her harassement! RYUU TO THE RESCUE!!! I took her rubber-bands and ruubberband bag away from her, and had her answer some of the answers herself. She got 'em rite tho, so it wasn't as fun. Despite Danielle's evilness/meanness, Ben and I had fun working 2gether and talking.

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