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Tuesday, June 7, 2005

My mum is bringing my cameras to be developed. From our trip I mean, I just kept snapping pix in ppl's faces...it was funni....they didn't mind THAT much...I hope...but n e ways, I got my friend Danielle to go up to out friend Ben and put her arm around his shoulder, and she did, and I took a picture of it! I can't wait! But Ben was like, "I hate you two...." But he didn't mean it, we were talking on the bus on the way home, and since then too...LOL....oh, nm bout that story...the 1 i didn't tell u, the LOL thing...it's REALLY long...ttyl!

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Monday, June 6, 2005

...I'm so tired...and bored...and my ankle hurts...and I haven't even been to skool yet...how sad...it's......5:57am, on Monday...Monday's always suck...ttyl...

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Sunday, June 5, 2005

Lol, I just got back from my friend Sam's sleepover party. It was SO much fun...(note: The following is true, and these girls are 12 & 13)...we walked to this pizza place, and they had this lil kiddy boat, so we put a quarter in it, and my friends, Sam(not b-day 1), Demi, Danielle, Jess, Emily, Lauren, and I all hoped on! It was SOOO much fun! ^-^...they my friend Sam, Demi, and I made up this thing, where you take this plant thingy, and you go into a house, and say,"Houseplants...*shimmer shimmer like a houseplant...lol*"
It's so coolie. Well, I g2g, write l8r!
P.S- WAIT! B4 the party, I was watering some plants, and I slipped down my hilly thingy, and fell on my foot, and it made this loud cracking noise...it really hurz...i-i...okay, dat's it...

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Thursday, June 2, 2005

   2DAY ROCKED!!!!
I got home from my Six Flags trip awhile ago! It ROX!!!! The very 1st and very last ride I went on was Superman, Ride of Steel. IT IS SOOO COOLIE!!!...it takes you up 218' 4 d first drop, and you go xtreamly fast, 77mph. and it is 1mile long, and ur on the ride 4 155sec! IT WAS SOOOO AWESOME!!! g2g, tt.y.all.l84...
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   5 MIN!!!
Five min till I get on the bus 2 school...which is usually a bad thing, but today we're going to Six Flags, and who doesn't LOVE Theme Parks??? My friends, Mollie, Jess, Sam, Elena(who's in Ohio right now, she made a paper self, and gave it to me to take w/ us...^-^), and myself are going to hit ALL the ROLLERCOASTERS!!!! G2G!!! T.T.Y.ALL.L8R!!!!

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Friday, May 27, 2005

Less than 1 week till out end of the year field trip! We're going to Six Flags. I can't believe I'm almost in 8th grade...O.O! I can't wait till next week, my friend, Jess, Sam, Mollie, and I are all going on the rollar coasters together! Fun! Ttyl ever1!!!

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Monday, May 23, 2005

   today is better, much better
I feel so great today. I just got a letter from my boyfriend, dated a few hours before he died. I guess he knew that he was going to die, but it makes me happy, reading it from him. Some of this is from his letter, but not all of it of course, I won't change, and I know that he'll always watch over me. My friends have made me feel great, without them I would be lost. Thanks everyone who has comforted me, especially my MyO buddies. I won't be sad anymore, and I now know that, when you seem down, like nothing could make you feel any worse, like all hope has been lost, you find it. You can find your hope, it's right above you, forever watching you, and it carries you up where you live with your friends, family, and everyone in the world, as happy as ever. No matter what happens in your life, you can never give up, becuase there will always be hope above you that will bring you back up where you belong.
Guys, never forget who you are. This expierence hasn't been the best thing to happen in my life, but it has made me stronger, and I feel great, brand-new. I can't wait to see what is in store for me in the future! I love you guys so much!!!

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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Today sux
Today has been the worst day of my life. At 1:57pm, my boyfriend, hamur died. "Kisa, please don't be sad beacuse of me. Heddi will be there for you, even though I'm gone. I'll always be in you heart Kisa, and I'll watch over you forever. Please don't forget me, and don't change you kind heart and nature, and be yourself. You are Kisa, never forget that...I love you Kisa." Those were his last words. I heard that from Heddi, my best friend, and with his help, I've stopped crying.
I know that my life won't be the same without Hamur, but as he said, he'll always be in my heart. I'll keep on living just the same, to make him happy, and I'll never forget the times we had together.

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Friday, May 6, 2005

   today sux so far
Today sux so far. I got word that my boyfriend isn't coming home from the hospital till Monday. Then he probably won't go to school till Thursday, sister's orders. And he wanted his sister to come take him out of the hospital late at night! Like his sister would do that...I mean, he isn't himself, that seems like something I would do, not him, he's quiet, calm, and kinda simple. He's smart, but isn't so extravagent and out-there...which is odd, becuase that's just like me, extravagent and out-there...lol...TODAY REALLY SUX SO FAR!!!
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Thursday, May 5, 2005

i'm trying out the scroll on this, did it work? I guess you have to type
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