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Thursday, May 5, 2005


i'm trying out the scroll on this, did it work?
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005

   i happi 2day!!!
Well, my boryfriend is still in the hospital, BUT, he is feeling a lil better, i'm still waiting for the next e-mail from his older sis, but he's probably going to be home on Friday! Isn't that great??? I really hope he gets better...T-T!!!
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Saturday, April 30, 2005

   Dance reveiw
Wow, that was a sucky dance, they didn't play many good songs, cept American Idiot, I luv Rock 'n Roll, and some others. It was very wierd...plus something else happened...I can't say, cuz my friend would be angry w/ me, which I don't want. I didn't enjoy listening to the slower songs, cuz it made me sad, cuz my boyfriend wasn't there (4 all u ppl that don't know, he lives in Iceland, me America). O well, wat can u do?
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   Fruits Basket special song
Something delicate,
Like the love that we know,
My fragile heart beats,
A time secure, a time to loan,

My first treasure,
Took me years to find,
It’s what I cling to,
When confusion clouds my mind,

When you come to me and you smile,
Suddenly it feels as if everything’s okay,
Lost in your smile,
All at once I’m swept away,

When trouble falls upon me like rain,
When the world becomes one big cold and lonely place,
You carry me through,
From dreary skies, the sun breaks through,

When you’re feeling lost,
And don’t know what to do,
Just look you’ll see me,
Calling out to you,

And when you’re shaking from,
Winter wind upon your face,
I’ll hurry towards you,
And warm you up with an embrace,

Baby you can count on me,
Always and forever I’ll stand right next to you,
Come what may,
I know this one, I’ll see you through,

Love can be a delicate thing,
True love has a power that is incidentally real,
Rocking the heart,
With true emotions that you feel…

This is such a cool song, you can hear it on the 3rd &4th DVD, you go to the Extra menu, and punch in 10 on your remote.

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Friday, April 29, 2005

   Dance 2nite!!!
OMG! 2nite I'm g2 the skool dance, well 1 ov 'em. I can't wait!!! I haven't been able 2g2 any ov 'em this year! I've bought my ticket 4 every dance, and I've had to miss it because I was sick, or we went away!!! IT REALLY SUXED!!! But I'm g2 g21 2nite!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
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2day I have 2 take TWOOOOO science tests, In A ROW!!! It really sux. One is an advanced test 4 8th grade, and the other is just a stinkin unit test. But alot of my friends r taking the advanced 1 w/ me, so I'll at least get 2 c them. Plus I miss studyhall and gym (we're doing boring stuff), so that is alright i guess...BUT IT STILL SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thursday, April 28, 2005

   Scrolly thingy?!
Hey, does anyone know how to put scrolls on the sides of your posts??? I really want to know!!!
Tanx, RyuuAijin

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AI cont.
Wow...Constantine left...and Paula started crying. OMG! It is just a show! Get over it will ya? She is REALLY emotional. The "Gay-Ghetto-Guy" is still there...GRRR!!!! He should've left ages ago! *stomps away*...
P.S-The "Gay-Ghetto-Guy" is Scott Savol...and he's always trying 2 act all ghetto, but it doesn't work.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

American Idol!!!
kk, American Idol is on l8r. Lets all pray that Scott leaves! I hate him! He is always trying to act all ghetto 'n stuff, but it doesn't work!
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FruitsBasket4Life may actually be a spider-human hybrid


From Go-Quiz.com

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