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myOtaku.com: FruitsBasket4Life

Thursday, March 24, 2005

   Sohma Hatori!!!
I Luv Sohma Hatori, I luv Sohma Hatori, do u? If not, Y NOT?!?!?!?...srry bout that lil outburst, but how can U NOT LIKE SOHMA HATORI!!!...don't b like my friend MeHappy, she doesn't like him at all....it is a lil sad, T_T...poor Ha'ri, MeHappy, u made him sad!!!..."Don't worry Ha'ri, just ingnore the mean girl...I luv u 4ever!!!..."....Lol, MeHappy, don't take that 2 seriously, u know I Lylas, just pickin on ya...well anyway, now ever1 knows how much I luv Ha'ri!!!

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