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myOtaku.com: FruitsBasket4Life

Thursday, June 9, 2005

OMG MY PIX R SOO COOL!!! The one with my friends Danielle and Ben looks SOO cool! And I've shown it to some ppl, and they keep asking me if their going out! Which makes me laugh, cuz they're like COMPLETE opposites!!! Danielle is kinda loud, annoying, and sometimes mean. Ben is quiet, nice all the time, and is a pleasure to hang around with. I think Ben is more my friend than Danielle, she drives me CRAZY!!
Today in science class, my teacher had the class go around to ppl and ask them if they knew the units of measurments on this sheet, and when u found some1 that did, u wrote their name on the line next to the answer. this is a way she picks partners. She'll say,"Get w/ ur partner 4 question #_" Then u work w/ that person. I brought the pic of Danielle and Ben to science class, and I had shown it to Ben, who didn't want ne 1 to c, cuz, like i said, their opposites, and I had asked Danielle to do it, and Ben wasn't happi bout it. SO...Ben ended up being my partner 4 that activity, and Danielle "invited" herself into our group, which DRIVES ME CRAZY!!! She thinks that we automatically r g2 work 2gether, in EVERYTHING!!! And, 4 1ce, i wanted 2 work w/ some1 else...hissss...and then she started being mean to Ben. She was flinging rubber-bands at him, at copying our answers, FOR REVIEW 4 D FINAL! IT REALLY BUGS ME!!!...but I saved Ben from her harassement! RYUU TO THE RESCUE!!! I took her rubber-bands and ruubberband bag away from her, and had her answer some of the answers herself. She got 'em rite tho, so it wasn't as fun. Despite Danielle's evilness/meanness, Ben and I had fun working 2gether and talking.

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