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myOtaku.com: FruitsBasket4Life

Friday, June 10, 2005

TODAY IS FRIDAY!!!! I HAPPI I HAPPI I HAPPI!!! Skool was pretty funny.
We were leaving the cafeteria, and my friend was walking out with her boyfriend, and so, my friends thought we should give them some time alone, because he's moving away at the end of the year, and they just started going out, and skool's almost over. ANYWAYZ!!!...my friend Demi and I were pushing eachother while walking down to the 7th grade wing, and then we were pushing all of our other friends, and then I went and pushed my friend that was t2 her bf. She got pissed w/ me, and hit me with her shirt that she was having ppl sign, and a gym teacher/coach saw her, and he said,"What did you just throw at that girl?!"(I don't have him yet, but I've heard he's nice/coolie) And so she got in trouble...oops...kinda my fault huh? Well, she keeps telling me that she's g2 kill me, but we're pretty close, so I HIGHLY doubt that she will go through with her plan, lol...but I really feel bad, cuz after I did it, I realized that she probably wanted to talk with her bf, and that was kinda annoying, and possibly embarrasing....SORRY!!!!!!!....it's hard for me to tell what's embarrasing, because I rarely get embarrsed....lol..one of my many awesome traits, but I would have to say that I often get carried away...lol...

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