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myOtaku.com: FruitsBasket4Life

Friday, June 17, 2005

ugggg...I'm so mad/dissappointed! Yesterday on AIM, I was talking to my friends Jess and Mollie in a chatroom. Then all of a sudden, Jess said that this whole thing with my friend in the hospital, and my boyfriend dying was all to much like a dream! And that it was too scary to be real. I can agree w/ her on that(and I've had dreams like all this before). And then Mollie said she thought I had made them up! Why would I do something like that? Who would do something like that? It's cruel! I can't b-leave her! Does she really know how close to me those ppl are? How much I care for them???! How horrible it was to have your boyfriend die, and not be able to go to their funeral or anything!? And when you found out from your friend on the phone, how painful it was to just cry there, instead of being with your best friend, to cry on his shoulder!!!!!!!!? SERIOUSLY!!!? Does she really know all the pain I've gone through this year!? I would've loved to have a great year, and I would if I didn't care about these ppl. If I had a cold heart, even if I knew them, it wouldn't matter...but I don't, and she had to say something so horrible, "I mean, how can I know that someone hasn't just made them up? And is lying to me?" Her life is great, all her friends live in the US, she gets good grades in school(I do too..actually she's g2 summer school for Pre-Algebra). My life is even more wonderful I think, because I have friends all over the world, but then again, I don't get to see them often, they live 1000s of miles away...i-i. Mollie's had boyfriends before, but nothing to serious. I know that if he was still alive, my boyfriend and I would've gone out for a long time, years. He died 5dyz after his 15th birthday.
We've gotten in fights before, but nothing like this. I'm glad we have finals right now, I won't even see her today, I take Spanish, she takes Japanese. I'm dissapointed that a friend like her would say something like that...

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