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myOtaku.com: FruitsBasket4Life

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

   blah blah blah!
Grrrarr! I still have homework to do for summer vacation. >O I called my friend Elena yesterday to see if she could come over, and her brother Louis said she was out. Then I went online and was talking to my friend Sam(who's b-day was the 15th. Pool party too), and I told her I was waiting for Elena to call. She said, "Elena's on her way home." I was confused, is Sam pyhsic? No, she had invited Elena over earlier that day. I wonder if they had practice for this play they're g2 b in. Sam is acting, but I think Elena's doin sumthin else...hmm, dunno! Oh well, that's it for now I guess.

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