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myOtaku.com: FruitsBasket4Life

Saturday, December 3, 2005

   whoa, long time, no see!
man, I haven't updated my posts in like, forver! so sorry! Skools good so far, seems like this year is going by so quickly, it's already the 2nd quarter! but hey, I dun mind it going so fast, I miss summer vacation already! lol, i've been sooo bz this year!:
~Modified Cross Counrty(fall)
~Smoke Signals(skool newspaper)
~Jazz piano lessons
~Select Chorus

I was g2 b in Jazz Band(piano), but since I'm not in the normal band, I couldn't do it! How dumb is that, there's a piano in the jazz band, but not in the plain old band, so I'm not in band, I can't b in band. It's so dumb! It bugs me soooo much, but my chorus teacher said that for our next concert & so on, I could play the piano instead of her, so that will rock. We're even g2b singing some jazz pieces hopefully!
Well, everything has been great here, but I wish the snow would stick to the ground, it was snowing earlier, and it wouldn't pile up outside! I realllllly want snow! I'm sooo bz, I'm doing something every weekend(everyday) until January 6th! I'm heading to Iceland on the 22nd, I can't wait! I g2g, my friend is coming down from Malone, and I g2g the house picked up. I'll talk to you guys l8r, promise!
P.S-Ne 1 ever heard of Lenore?

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