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myOtaku.com: FruitsBasket4Life

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 01/08/06:

You are the dark angel...You weren't cast out of
heavan...You left yourself and never once
turned back. You create chaos wherever you go
and delight in being mistaken for a true and
good angel.

***What kind of angel are you?***
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Result Posted on 01/08/06:
yeah, pretty much...wait! 'SICKENGLY SWEET SCHOOLGIRL'???

What would your Anime life be like? by hearthlight
Your looks:Who can tell under that cloak?
Your best friend:A sickeningly sweet schoolgirl
Your powers:Energy blasts.
Your beloved:A valiant hero.
Your occupation:Minion of evil.
Your ending:Shocking! I can't spoil it.
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Result Posted on 01/08/06:
uwah! =^-^=

say your a cat.^-^

What anime gifs are you. REALLY CUTE PICS
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Result Posted on 01/08/06:

TROWA BARTON You are the most mysterious of all.You do not even
know yourself completely,which makes you brave
and adventurous.Like Trowa, you are humble and
kind,yet very picky.Your skills are superb,and
you're a force to be reckoned with.Underneath
your shy facade is a person of integrity and

Which Gundam Wing Pilot are you?
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Result Posted on 01/08/06:
definately a traveller!

Traveler. You have a restless soul that needs to be
fulfilled by traveling and trying new things.
You don't care to be 'normal' and strive to
stand out from the crowd. You most likely
cannot stand being in the same place or same
situation for too long. Will someone be able to
tame your wild heart?

What influences your style? (Anime pictures)
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Result Posted on 01/08/06:
i'm such a pyro itz not even funny

World of Fire
Embers, smoke, ash... you are a fire dweller. A
mixture of the fierce and the sanguine, you are
never afraid to show your true colors. You
rarely go halfway on anything, and are regarded
as an extremely passionate person.

Which Other World Are You Secretly From?
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 01/08/06:

You are...Sha Gojyo!
Sha Gojyo

Which Saiyuki Character are you?
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Result Posted on 01/08/06:
that was fun

The Survey Where You Say The First Word That Comes To Mind. Yay.
What comes to mind when you hear..
..rain?:love it
..summer love?:die summer die
..Shea?:cool name
..banana?:all hail the banana!
..Laura?:awesome girl
..Juan?:spaniard dude....lol
..car?:sure, y not?
..white?:HATE IT!
..New Found Glory?:WTF?
..orange juice?:yummi
..candid camera?:?
..brother?:flew out the car roof cuz of the edjecter's button...long story
..President?:EW! DIE!
..football?:yay...soccer rox(european influence)
..rap?:disgusting shit
..pop?:jpop! pop! yay demi!
..rock?:Hardcore plz!
..death?:love it
..the end?:NO!
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You've been totally Bzoink*d

Result Posted on 01/08/06:
yeah, pretty much rite

Result Posted on 01/08/06:
lol...this is hilarious, o ghod i h8 snape w/ a passion. i actuually think harry is a dumbass and so r his friends, but i love sirius, james & remus..

Sirius Black
You are Sirius Black! The dead sexy ex-convict. You
like long walks on the beach and possibly hate
Snape with a passion^^ Go you!

Which of the marauders are you?
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