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myOtaku.com: FruitsBasket4Life

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 01/08/06:
well, yes, i AM a maniac, but i'm not sure about this result...it seems rite, but i dunno...O.O?

Maniac killer
You are a maniac killer.
It doesn't matter who they are and what they
have or haven't done. You still want to kill
them. And for a simple reason only; it's fun.
Seeing people in pain is like ecstasy. Maybe
you have some sort of mental problems or you
are this way because of previous deep scars,
only you know. But now you are sadistic and
maybe you only like to see a special group of
people be in pain (e.g. preps). However you are
not the most social person in the bunch and
people think you are weird. That bothers you
somewhat but atleast you can entertain yourself
with daydreaming about killing them. After all,
they have no idea what's coming.

Main weapon: Explosives and torture
Quote: "Insanity: a perfect
rational adjustment to an insane world" -
R.D. Lang
Facial expression: Wicked smile

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 01/08/06:
well, this is pretty much true to myself, but i no how it could b improved to fit me perfectly...


You have Rose
Positive Traits: Compassion,
Patience, Understanding, Innocence,
Negative Traits: Naive,
Overly Optimistic, Ignorant, Passive, Easily
Taken Advantage Of

Your eyes are the windows to your soul. What type of eyes do you have?
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Result Posted on 04/28/05:
lol...my friends think I AM crazy...lol

do you belong in an insane asylum?
color of choice
perferred kitchen utencil
should you be locked up? probably so
are you ACTUALLY insane? yes but you think you're not
how many days til they put you away? 53
chance you'll get out - 30%
will you die in there? (8) - As I see it, yes. - (8)
This quiz by death_fire - Taken 825 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

Result Posted on 04/26/05:
Coolieo! U GOTTA LUV GREEN DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..I know I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations! You know Green Day's American
Idiot lyrics so well!!!!!!

How well do you know Green Day's American Idiot lyrics?
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 04/22/05:

you as an anime girl (with pics) by ayane isozaki
Date of Birth
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Result Posted on 04/20/05:
Ok,well,this is a bad quiz result 4 me.I'm not very sane,trust me,just ask MeHappy..she knows wat I'm like,even at skool.But it another Tori pic!!!!!!

You're Hatori!! Hatori is cool~
You're Hatori!

Which Fruits Basket Character Are You?
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Result Posted on 04/20/05:
Uo rox, 1 ov the bestest girls in all Shoujo!!!!

Result Posted on 04/20/05:
i like.....2 burn things......mwuahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fire Sprite
Brave, strong willed, loyal and passionate You are a sprite of Fire. Full of passion, bravery
and spice you are the living embodiment of
fire. You are quite arrogant and think yourself
above most but that is made up for by; your
passionate ability to pursue your dreams, your
strong will and your powerful well skilled
ability for fighting. You are a natural leader,
people are somewhat drawn to you and see you as
someone to look up to but you only pay
attention to them if they are useful, your
equal or your superior. You are a very exciting
person to be near for you have a vast love of
adventure and battle. Fire is a symbol of
Passion if and when you choose to love you are
capable of beautiful, long lasting, devoted
love. You are quite wondrous!

.::=What type of Mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 04/20/05:
I don't like pink..it's a creepy color....O.O

You're a "Pink Angel". Now, just because
it may be a little bit of a feminin color
doesn't mean you're all girly and whiney.
You're very self-less and love to bring good
news to people because you like seeing people
happy. You have better manners than most and
people love how polite you can be. You're
friends love that they hardley ever get in
arguments with you and can barely get mad at
you! You're friends and family mean so much to
you and it takes more than a fight to break you
away from them. (If you cannot see the picture,
go to my homepage and scroll down near the
bottom. I have the results from all my quizess
that have pics)

What Color Angel Are You? (PICS)
brought to you by Quizilla

Result Posted on 04/20/05:
Sweus (sure wat-eva u say)

someone who is caught up within their thoughts...trying to remember who they really are...only to find that there is no answer...because you are who you are...a soul..within yourself...
...a shadow within the heart

Who Are You From Within? (Anime Images used)
brought to you by Quizilla

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