Thoughtful is your quality. You are a free thinker
who can get caught up in their own daydreams.
Everything makes you wonder. You are curious
and intelligent. While others shy away from
reading and writing you are drawn to it. You
seem to understand things easily so others come
to you when they have questions or can't figure
things out. Though you don't mind being alone,
adrift in your thoughts, you do like a good
conversation full of more than just clothes,
boys, weather, and sports. You tend to be able
to come up with many answers to things and find
faults in the simplest of objects. The bad
quality to you is that you over analyze things.
Your imagination can carry you away and you
sound like you're always right even when you're
not. This doesn't draw in many people so your
friends are few.
Which White Angel are You? (pics included) brought to you by Quizilla