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myOtaku.com: fullmetalsgirl

Thursday, February 21, 2008

I did it, took a while but I did it. But I got frustrated trying to. I wanted to tell him before school, but I arrived kinda late and people talking to me and a trip to my locker did not help. So I decided break, and kindly ask my friend who always walks to me to 4th, if he will meet me there cause I gotta do something during break. He says sure
Come break, he runs to me and we meet up with my boyfriend. He doesn't leave so I can't talk to my bf. We get to my 4th and i realize that I forgot some stuff at my locker so I ask to go, sub says yes. I tell my friend to wait for me in class and he'd better go in cause we have a sub. Me and my bf walk away to my locker, my friend runs to us and follows us...saying he wants to come...two chances killed. see my frustration?
Lunch I decide. Come lunch he does no come, my bf I mean, not till the last 5 min of lunch then he leaves. We I go to look for him..same friend follows. So that killed that shot...
Afterschool I say...afterschool...same friend follows! GEEZ! frustration much?! I wanted to but then my friend had to leave shortly, so before my bf hops on the bus I hug him and as I pull away I ask
"would you mind if we took a break?" he pauses says nothing..and then asks "...why?" I tell him its hard to explain...but that...then we see his bus is about to leave so he says "I actually wanted to talk to you about it." I realize..I owe him that much, I owe him an explination and such so I agree to talk to him tomorrow.
So I'm not single, not taken, but on a break. And..I feel...nothing really. No sadness, not exactly happiness either..just kinda uneffected right now. is that bad?

Current Mood- emotionless
Current Time- 10:25
Listening to- Break Away ((Tokio Hotel))

Much Love

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