fullyasha uzamaki
OKAEE .. now its bleach .. i REALLY LOVE hitsugaya in bleach .. he's mai numero uno favo in bleach .. one of mai favorite episodes is when hitsugaya got mad at ichimaru gin for making hinamori spill blood. whitey-chan is awesome... i also like the episode when Captain Kuchiki Byakuya[rukia's "brother"] saved rukia from ichimaru && aizen .. i just thought it was sweeet how nii-sama changed because of ichigo.
UNDER CONSTRUCTION !! just waiit okaee ??
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
chibis !! and story with it !!
I adopted a chibi! ^.^

Name: arina narita
Age: 13
Likes: SNOW ..
Dislikes: little bugs
interested in: ??
FACTS: she's the only one who use to call takenaru take-kun.
HER STORY: okay .. arina narita lived her first 4 years in japan with her family. her family had very good friends [considered as family] THE SOU'S .. takenaru is the sou's son .. since they were both only child .. they treated each other like sisters and brothers .. arina is one year younger than take and is a cry baby .. take-kun always protected her because he knows that she's a bit clueless .. at times .. when arina's dad had to move because the company that he works for is moving to america .. the two little duos were seperated .. && later .. lost connection .. both grew up into pre teens without each other .. when she was 13 she became a transfer student in japan .. guess where she had to stay ??
I adopted a chibi! ^.^

[just picture him with white-ish hair okayy]
Name: takenaru sou [take-kun]
Age: 14
Likes: yoo tell me ?? 0.o
Dislikes: red bean paste
interested in: ??
location[home]: japan
FACTS:he's the only one that calls arina rina-san. he doesn't like being called take-kun unless its arina who's doing it.
HIS STORY: well .. takenaru sou is like a big brother to rin. he would protect her when shes being picked on and made her laugh when she was crying. but when rin moved to america, they somehow lost connection. they made a promise .. {im not gonna say right now] so when he found out about arina-san moving back to japan .. he tried not to think about the promise because he was sure .. the little clueless girl forgot about it ..
Click here to adopt a chibi too!
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
HERE are some pics of some of ma favo anime !! and characters .. wahahaha ..

naruto and sasuke .. ii love how they are to each other .. rivals then friends .. this episode was sadd ..

inuyasha and kagome .. how cute is this pic !!

lil neji !! i love neji !! he's mai FAVO in naruto .. then sasuke .. then kakashi .. then naruto !

furuba ! kyo yuki and haru .. woah huh ??
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
just some banners i made for furuba and inuyasha....

these r just some of da banners that i made for INUYASHA AND FRUITS BASKET... if u want to use them... just let me know... and da one that says "forbidden love"... its bcuz of akito... nd akito's in da middle of da couples... i made a tohru nd kyo kun wallpaper!!!!!! yay!! so look for it! DO NOT WORRY!! ILL MAKE ONE FOR YUKI ND TOHRU TOO!! i just wanted to make one for kyo and tohru first because i lyk them better..... its my opinion so dont get madd!!
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Sunday, December 4, 2005

da one nd only tohru!!!! caring as always...

yuki the rat!! prince charming!! so true!

da cute orange haired cat!!! tough fighter!

haa-kun!!! ox!!!! evil or nice??

da cute momiji!!! rabbit!! funny nd sweet...

da innocent nd adorable kisa-san!! tiger!! ROAR!! hahaha!

da very caring frends of tohru!! hanajima and arisa! a yankee.. nd a phsyco freak... ^___^
so far... these r my bestest favoritest characters in fruits basket.... ill add more later!!
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
 He looks so cute in that black jacket. He's even holding your hand. While you jump on his back. Just like a piggy back ride. He looks like a bad boy but, he isn't. When he meets you his whole life will change:)
Who's Perfect For You??? (Cute Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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