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The hottest and most boring place on Earth AZ
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7th grade
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Rurouni Kenshin, naruto, one piece, man my brain hurts the list goes on and on
to pass high school
drawing, reading, writting stories and poems
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Saturday, May 26, 2007
SCHOOL IS OUT!!!! ^_^x i hung out with kyle and his gf sylvia thursday and friday just playing xbox 360 for hours and hours it was great and today i'm going over to ashleys house today and sleeping over since it is her B-day and tomorrow we and some of her friends are all going to go see Pirates of the Caribbean 3 YAY!!! it looks so good i cant wait well i got to go i'll talk to you guys later
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
haha yesterday was great me and a lot of my friends i think there was at least 9 of us we had a little going away party for jaclyn *crys* i dont want jaclyn to move she is moving to Washington state from AZ. but we all went to go to mcdanolds and we got kicked out lmfao i'm not joking ethier we went to play on the playground thingy and these fat ladys started to yell at us that it was made for kids wrong it was made for all ages because parents can go in there to so i yelled out anthem sucks(which is the town i have to go to for school) and that they were killing there kids for eating the food there they didn't say anything back it was great i want to go back and do it again >.< TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL WOOT!!!!!!!!! i get out of school at 11am today and it is only 6:30am but i have three finals to do -_-' well i got to go i'll talk to you guys later.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
half day YAY!!!!
today is a half day and i only have 2 finals today YAY!!!! they are the easy ones goemtry and english then after school today a lot of us are going to dennys after school. yesterday was fun we went back to that sushi place with more people it was great i want more >.< brittanyann said that there is a new store going in at the outlets and she said it is a good place and they well pay you $8.50 an hour O.o thats alot so i'm going to go check it out well that is it i got to go talk to you guys later.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
last week of school
i'm so sorry that i haven't been here there is only like today, Wed is a half day and thursday the last day of school which is also another half day so i have been studying and doing all this stuff because my friends want to all this. yesterday i had sushi for the very fist time and it was good i dont no what kind it was but it was good and the same place we got the sushi they also have a ramen bar i love the place it is so cool and it is good and i got lost planet last night which is a gret game if anybody as a xbox 360 get it it is so cool >.< well that is it i'll talk to you guys later.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
head hurts
well yesterday during lunch i thought i was going to throw up but i didn't so i kept on eating but when i was walking to my class i was really going to throw up so i went to the nurse and i was sick i had a fever of 100.2 so i had to go home and today i stayed home i never knew i had the fever i might still have it i haven't checked what it is today i just got up. And for today i get to miss two test one of them is my final fr spanish my final for spanish is going to take atleast 4 days O.o and i had a normal test in Geomtry and i dont care about that class well here are some pics of my baby goat who is 4 months old her name is Midnight

now my dad wants to sell my big goats and get three minitura donkeys O.O well i guess thats it i'll talk to you guys later.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007
so tried
i got nothing to say its tuesday so nothing happens but here is a poem that i made hope you guys like it
Break away
Walking around like everybody else
Doing what they say not saying a word
Letting them get to me
Making my mind spin out of control
I just want to break away
I just want to grow wings
Big white wings just for a day
To fly into the sky
And to never come back
I just want to break away
For once it will be me looking down
To see how small they really are
In this big world in time and space
For once let them feel what I feel
I just want to break away
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Monday, May 14, 2007
i hate fights
well my dad brought home 3 more chickens two baby ones and a full grown one and a 4 month old goat she is so cute >.< but one of the baby chicks died and the other one is it doing so good why are all the baby chickens dieing so today my mom is going to buy three more. My friends sylvia and brittanyann are like in a fight kind of they are still friends but sylvia wants to kill her so badly but she wont tell brittanyann off she is to nice and shy but the fight is about a guy named kelly yes its the same guy but both of them like him and brittanyann has gone out with him 5 times this year and sylvia once but kelly also likes them both so brittanyann wants kelly she wont stop talking about him and sylvia is going to snap and she is scary when she snaps >< but ya i'm in the middle i'm more on sylvias side since brittanyann is being a bitch going going to tell her off not really but i am going to tell her to stop talking about kelly around sylvia. well that is it i'll talk to you guys later.
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Friday, May 11, 2007
i'm so glad its friday
this week has been a long one lots of tests and HW i have been having troubles breathing again this week so my friends say i should stay home but i cant because my parents well get mad and i well be droped from my classes
and there is only like 2 weeks left of school so i just have to deal with it -_-' well thats all i really have to say i'm talk to you guys later
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Thursday, May 10, 2007
sorry i haven't been posting i have so many test this week and i am studying for my finals that are coming up in like 2 weeks and i have been reading a lot i found a new manga that i'm in love with it is call Negima it is so good it is about this 10 year old boy who is like a mage becomes a teacher at an all girls school it is rated OT so there are a lot of intersting pictures of the girls being like naked but it is really good and i'm not perveted of you guys are thinking that its just a really really good series well got to go i'll talk to you guys later.
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
a good day
yesterday was a good day well another one of my baby chickens died but we got a new one yesterday. yesterday my family had lunch at Olive Garden i have never been there before until yesterday i love that place they have the greatest T-bone i have ever had so ya i was talking to my friend Kristine and she invited me to come to this play thingy at her school so i said yes there was 18 plays all of them 5 minutes and they were great and so funny i had a hard time breathing because i was laughing to hard so thats what i did yesterday well i'm not going to do much today just sit around and watch tv well i got to go i'm hungary ttyl
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