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The hottest and most boring place on Earth AZ
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Monday, April 23, 2007
its monday O.O
i'm so tired i didn't get home yesterday after getting the goats until 4 i was in the car for 4 hours -_-' well we got our two new goats there not even 2 feet tall there like 18in. but they are not used to people so we have to work on that well i got some pics of them i hope this works

this is oreo she is the mama she is more of an outside oreo lol

And this is skittles the daughter you no how mystery flavors are always white well she is a mystery skittle lol
well thats all for today i'll talk to you guys later
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
omg i'm so tired
All day saturday i worked I left the house at 7 with my dad and we got there at around 8 and it was so cold because it actully rained in az omg lol so i just sat there a little bit then i had to watch a gate that lead into where all the tv broadcast stuff are so me Dakota the son of the boss he is the same age has me and this other guy so we just sat there for like 5 hours the race didn't start until 5:30 but the fan gates opened up at noon. Then my dad moved us and dakota to gate 9 which is called the hillside people who had a ticket could go up there and watch the race and there was a road right next to it that was for the work cars around PIR like golfcarts and gas trucks so we had to watch to see if the cars could go up there and i was stuck with the gate nazi for hours O.o she just complained and everything saying the golfcarts are going to fast put the stop sign there no there stop ever car and check it was a nightmare then my dad felt sorry for me with the gate nazi because he hates her so he took me and dakota in the golfcart and was driving around. I worked until 11 last night and i got to drive the golfcart at like midnight YA!!! >.< me and this other chick who works with my dad she is really cool we were going to steal my dad golfcart because she has done that to my dad before so now he locks up his golfcart it was so funny but then my dad came back and we couldn't do it. after after everything was done we went to talk to some friends who have like rv theres and stay there during the races and i didn't get home until 3 in the morning >< now it is 11 o'clock but it makes it all better with the money i made $225. oh i am getting two more goats ya i already have three but these new ones are like 2 feet high they are so cute >.< well i got to go i'll talk to you guys later
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Friday, April 20, 2007
some fun
ok wednesday was a half day so me and 9 of my friends wanted to go to dennys and we were going to walk there which is like 1 and 1/2 mile to 2 miles we do it all the time but then we found shannon and she said she would drive us there but the problem was that her car only could hold five see we did mexican style but we had 3 big guys with us and everybody couldn't fit in the back so anne and me went into the trunk of the car it was really fun but scary >.< so anne and me were in the trunk so we started to make noises and we let them think what we were doing they were all like WTF!!! because we could hear them in the car it was really fun so then we went to dennys and that was a blast i can't believe we didn't get kicked out then we went to a sorry excuse of a mall amd we just lied there on the grass but then we went into stores and we dressed up sylvia and i think we gave her bf a boner it was really funny. then on thrusday it was kind of a bad day i wasn't feeling good again so i was in a sad mood and just wanted to sleep. then i went over to skylers house we watched movies on SciFi then we went outside to work hes dad has a landscaping job so he has all his tress and stuff at there house so me and skyler take care of the trees. then we made a blow troch and were missing with a lot a lot a lot of ants it was fun then we went back to watch more movies. And today is school then i might go to that sorry excuse for a mall again and then i might go to work. i work at PIR which is nascar in Pheonix and you have to be 18+ to work there and i'm 16 but my dad is like bestfriends with the boss so i'm only aloud to work there during the two major races of the year. one is in april and one os in november its a boring job since i dont like nascar but it buys you 15 dallors an hour so thats why i'm there. well this has been a long post i'll talk to you guys later.
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
sorry i haven't posted in awhile there hasn't been anything good but now i do. well trevor my ex of last week wants to ask out val but val wants to ask out taylor and brittanyann is so on the rebound its sad but it gets on your nerves. Kelly a guy asked out sylvia she said yes now kelly is it the best bf his longest relationship is one month you never get alone with him never but he is a nice guy and i can see why sylvia likes him but the sad part is that kyle best wanted to ask out sylvia and she would of said yes she likes them both but she got tired of waiting for kyle now i have to make sure trevor doesn't beat up(not really) kyle and sylvia because kyle is already sad enough. now there is a little fight going on between two of my groups brittanyann doesn't like shelby because shelby doesn't like her and shelby doesn't like sylvia because she is like brittanyanns clone and shelby is going to hate sylvia becuase shelby is like in love with kelly we have never seen somebody try to get kelly before o and kelly like three other girls plus sylvia and sylvia nos that. see drama but two best part are that i had vodka yesterday mmm... my friend mixed it with vault and brought it to school it was good and today is a half day YEAH!!! well thats all i'm just stuck between everybody well got to go talk to you guys later.
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Friday, April 13, 2007
happy friday the 13th
I dont really believe in all that but with my luck today its going to be the worst day of my life this week has been evil breaking up with trevor almost breaking my hand Aims trevor getting all pissed at me everytime i say something i'm so beind in chemistry like 3 days behind and he cant really help and we have a test next tuesday and i have no clue what we are doing well i guess thats it i'll talk to you guys later
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
to tired for more drama
Well AIMS went okay i hope i pass cause i dont want to take it again and trevor and me broke up during AIMS like in the class room taking the AIMS he was getting all pissed at me (he was sitting next to me)he asked me if i talked to kyle sylvia and brinttanyann on the way to starbucks i was like duh of couse i'm going to talk to them and then he got even more pissed i guess because i was making this sound like a joke so he said i can't believe you would talk to them and not to me i dont even no if we are still going out or not so i was like i tryed to do it yesterday but i hurt my hand and had to go to the doctor he said something but i couldn't understand him but i did hear him say i wather be friends i was like okay works for me now he is telling everybody that i broke up with him i was like bull at least i had the balls to try he has wanted to break up with me for weeks now but i dont care what he says on how we broke up i still want to be friends but he better not blam this bad relationship on me. ok in a little happier news two guys are planning on asking out syliva one of them is kelly and you never go out with him never he well do anything push you to do stuff and cheats on you and he likes all the girls in the school but the better guy is kyle best we have been working on those two for awhile now they both no they like each other because of trevors big mouth so i'm trying to get syliva to say yes to kyle and hell no for kelly and i'm trying to get kyle to actully do it he wants to do it at the right time but i think sylvia is running out of Patience haha well i got to go i'll talk to you guys later.
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
okay yesterday i was going to plan on breaking up with trevor right well i think he found out that i was going to do it and when i was going to do it well we would be in 2nd hour but during that class we would be walking to another classroom and i was going to do it then but he found out and asked to go somewhere else so me and sylvia were walking and i was getting piss so i slamed my hand down on the stair railing and that hurt like a mother.... but i didn't want to go to the nurse so we were walking still and trevor found us but i couldn't do it because i was in pain and i almost threw up on trevor but when we got to class i started to cry because my hand started to burn so i was forced to go to the nurse and the nurse thought it was broken so i went home the good news is that it is it broken but came very close but it still hurts like hell and it well be swollen and hurting for a couple of days bad nurse i had to get a shot >.< i hate shots so now my left arm hurts and my right hand hurts -_-' and the worse news is that i may have a bladder infection that is where all my stomach pains are coming from but i haven't heard back from the doctor to see if my test came up with anything. and today i have AIMS all day and i'm stuck with trevor all day NOOOOOO!!!!! well i got to go my hand hurts from typing bye
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
need some help
Well yesterday was a good day at lunch my friends tied my jacket sleeves behind my back and said that it was my straight jacket and then my two friends val and steven were like time for your meds. and i was like no and ran off so they are chasing me around school i look like a dork everybody was looking at me like i really do need those meds but then i found sylvia and my other friends so i sat with them but then val went into my backpack and stole stuff so me and my friend daniel went to get it back but val and steven tackled me into the wall trying to get my backpack and it looked like i was getting raped by them but then daniel smashed my face into vals boobs which freaked me out and i let go of my backpack but then they were laughing so daniel got my backpack and we ran off. after school i went to starbuck mmm... and i found out that trevor wants to break up with me and trevors best friend kyle best was with us so i made him tell everything so it all adds up to trevor is a jackass who is to scared to break up with me so i am doing it today and if he does one of his ideas on how to break up with me then he is going to wish he was in hell. okay this post is long i am going i'll talk to you guys later.
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Sunday, April 8, 2007
Happy easter you guys i got lots of candy and the happy feet movie haha i love happy feet its the best movie ever well got to go but here is a picture of  THE EVIL EASTER BUNNY
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Saturday, April 7, 2007
this weekend is going to be boring
well yesterday i had the day off so i did nothing all day i watched tv called my bf he said he well be spending the weekend with his friend which i dont mind...much so that leaves me with nothing to do this whole weekend i have 4 seasons of charmed i can watched but i watched that all day yesterdat so now i'm bored watching it nobody talks to nobody calls me o ya about that gun threat my school was on the news and the news said nothing just about a rumor going around school and more then half the school stayed home but i had to go to school and it was a fun day we did nothing in all my classes because so many kids were gone and in my history class has a joke i asked my teacher if we could have extra points because we came to school and guess what it really did work but only in that class i was close in my spanish class well i guess i'll be going now i'm hungry ttyl
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