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Friday, October 6, 2006
I'm sorry I have been really busy these week its like the teachers are out to get us so they have been giving everybody more HW then normal and I had to study hard for a chemistry test because I have a D in that class and I need to bring that up and I have to work on spanish I hate school so much so ya that is why i'm gone i'm sorry to make this short but I have to go i'll try to come back later today k
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Monday, September 25, 2006
my friend Skyler kidnapped me and we went to a mall and I was helping him find some jeans I have never seen him wear jeans that look new it was funny and then we were just looking around and we went into Hot topic and we found a hellsing jacket and he bought that i would of but i had no money plus my parents dont really like hellsing (we are christians) but owell I I have to many jackets right now anyways and then we went to go see John Tucker must die and that was a good movie but it wasn't as great as I thought it would be but it was still good dont know what i'm doing today so ya I guess thats it i'll talk to you guys later.
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
better mood
Hey i'm in a better mood today I asked Kyle C about the whole phone thing and he said only the screen was broken. Last night me and some friends went to the movies and we did see barnyard and that was great it was so funny i was laughing almost through the whole movie my friend Jen was laughing so much and loud that the people in front of us gave us a werid look it was funny I want to go see it again I might with Kyle C little sister Jackie. Well i guess that is it i'll talk to you guys later.
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Friday, September 22, 2006
I want to kill somebody
Hey today i just want to kill somebody yesterday there was a football game and I told all my friends that i was going but then i was having some chest and stomach problems like really bad today so i didn't go to the game well my Ex called me to give me a message from Kyle C asking where I was ya and then my Ex said thank you and hung up My ex said to me in my face that his phone was broken and he called me last night on his phone and not even saying hi to me so now I want to kill somebody *looks around* I think I might go to the movies with friends i dont know we have been having trouble finding somebody to take and pick us up and I dont know what movie we are seeing it might be barnyard (yes i know we are weird like that) so ya I'll till you guys about it in tomorrows post if I go. well I guess thats it i'll talk to you guys later.
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006
my life is werid
my life just a weirder i was sitting down in front of the libary talking to my friend trevor and my Ex and some other dude came over so I just kept on telling my story to finish it and my Ex said hi said his cell phone is broken and gave me a hug and left will that made me happy. when me and my friend trevor were still infront of the libary my friend Kyle C. came over (my ex name is kyle M. theres to many kyles at my school) and we started to talk kyle asked me if i was feeling better and i said yes so leaves and my friend trevor says that Kyle C. wants to ask me out but he is to afraid to ask me and I think Kyle C. told my Ex to say hi to me and give me a hug i'm going to find that out today with the whole asking out thing i'll just wait to see about that. There is a football game tonight so i'm going to go to that i hope if i have money lol will I guess that is it i'll talk to you guys later.
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
yesterday was out first varsity home football game so knowing my school they had to make it all big we had a prep rally before school nothing new scary but not new at the game they had the cheerleaders, the dance team, the band, and fireworks yes fireworks those i liked the best not alot of my friends went to the game all my guy friends I was kind of hoping that my Ex would be there but he wasn't he was at his friends house so that made me really sad but then my chest started to hurt again and I think it is from the fireworks because they kept on shooting them all through the game and they were really close so I went home we lost when i left it was like 34 to 0 our football teams suck but the JV team hasn't lost a game yet (the team my Ex is on) so ya I am going to spend the night at my friend Ashleys house tonight so that will be fun will I guess that is it i'll talk to you guys later.
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Friday, September 15, 2006
Will yesterday I was having some chest pain it wasn't that bad so i didn't do anything about it but then it wouldn't go away so i went to the nurse but she couldn't do anything but send me home and i couldn't do that because I had a test to take. Today there is another home game i don't know if i'm going to it i'm going to see how i feel today. I have a quize in world history today it should be easy i think I passed my spanish test from yesterday with at least a C but i don't know about the chemistry one well I guess that is it i'll talk to you guys later.
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Thursday, September 14, 2006
Hey whats up I have given up on my Ex if he wants to hate me then let him i don't really care anymore all it does is put more stress on me. Last night I went to a freshman football game and we suck not that bad put still we haven't won a freshman game yet we did get a touchdown but those people on the field said something and we didn't get the points so we all made but I wasn't really watching the game just hanging out with my friends it was great. Today i have 2 test that are 60% of my Grades O.O i hope i can pass them they are for H chemistry and spanish I think i'll get half right half wrong on both the tests. Well I guess that is it i'll talk to you guys later.
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
need some help
hey My B-day was great got a lot of money me and some of my friends went to stay at a haunted hotel and I have this really great picture of my friend skyler and kelly on a train track it is really cool. everywhere you look there are orbs its really cool.

I am having trouble with my Ex BF he still wont talk to me when he sees me he walks away my friend Kyle C. says he is still mad at me for breaking up with him and this whole problem is really getting to me every morning i wake up really sad at school i try to find him but its like his not here on earth anymore I don't think I still have feelings for him I think its just the fact that he wont talk to me and wont be my friend again that is what is getting to me i hate it when somebody hates me I don't know what to do I need some help. thanks for reading this post means a lot to me. guess i'll talk to you guys later.
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Friday, September 8, 2006
Its My B-day
Today is my B-day YA *jumps around the room* I am 16 today it is great but to bad i have to go to school but i dont really care. yesterday was fun i went to one of my schools football games again and my ex was playing (who still hasn't talked to me) and like after half time was over these freshmans called my friend fat O.O she is not fat and i was with a bunch of guys and they were like who said that and we were trying to find the guy who said that and kill him and the guy walks up and says like why are we talking crap about them and we made this really big circle and we were going to start to fight but then one of the ladys that work at the football game came up and was all like get out get out right now so we left but we just stayed outside the gate and started to play football with a hat it was fun. oh thursday night my house was almost hit by lighting the bolt hit my frontyard a couple of feet away from my house O.O and i saw it hit to it was cool but scard the crap out of me because were i live even one little flame can start a wild fire in seconds but it didn't theres just nice black dirt. well i guess thats it i'll talk to you guys later.
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