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The hottest and most boring place on Earth AZ
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Well my dad wanted us to wake up at 6 in the morning and its 6 in the morning right now but i'm the only one up so I am post before I leave I'm going to miss you guys so much ~crys and gives you all big hugs~ The party was fun my bf was good at ice skating it was funny tho but then he went on to going to play the games and that got me pissed so I kept on skating and I was so pissed at him when we had to leave and of course I had to sit next to him in the car and I think he knew that i was pissed at him so he put his arm around me and saying how much he loves me and I just couldn't stay mad at him and then I fell asleep on his shoulder lol will I think that is it i'll talk to you guy later and i'll try to update on the road so see ya guys.
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Monday, May 29, 2006
well the fence around the goats cage is up it took forever and i was tired after. we are bring my goat taffy over to my uncles house because she is pregnant and we think she is due soon and no one will be home if she does go into labor so if she does go into labor she would be at my uncles house. and I have just got word from my grandma my chicken has died why are my pets dieing like right now well I hope my other chicken doesn't die from a broken heart. Well in happer news I am going to my friends B-day party we are going ice skating and my bf is going to and i'm going to laugh so hard because I don't think he can ice skating but i well help him to after I die from laughter lol just kidding well I got to go I have to pack for the raod trip because we are like leaving 6 in the morning I hope i wake up lol
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Sunday, May 28, 2006
Its sunday and its like 9 in the morning and I have been working outside on the goats cage i'm not cleaning thank you god but we are putting up the fence around the cage and we have to get it up today and we are having some trouble with the door and i'm going shopping again today but other then that i'm not doing anything. the road trip is almost here i'm going to be gone for like 3 weeks and i'm going to miss you guys so much we are leaving really late tomorrow night or really early on tuesday morning but if I can up date on the road I will well I think that is it for now I'll talk to you guys later.
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Saturday, May 27, 2006
So bored
Well Shopping was fun I only got new shorts I did't get to to go hottopic yesterday we are going there tomorrow today we are just staying home clean house and that stuff i'm going to watch some anime on the internet there is a new anime that I love its call Tenjou tengeIts good i'm on episode 13 well I think that is it i'll talk to you guys later.
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Friday, May 26, 2006
Frist day of summer
Well I passed my Computer Apps. class and I think I passed all my other classes to. well my cat is gone she has been missing since yesterday and we all know she is long gone because where I leave if your pet like a cat or a small dog or any pet that is smalls if its is gone for a whole day then a coyote got it the coyote live like right next door to me and I want to go down there with my rifle and kill them all. well in other news i'm going shopping all day today because for part of the summer we are going on a road trip and this one is for 3 weeks so I need some new clothes i'm trying to find this Trigun shirt that i saw on the internet and I think it is at Hottopic its this black shirt with the word Trigun on the front and on the back it has a wanted pic of him its so cool. Well I think that is it i'll talk to you guys later.
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Thursday, May 25, 2006
Last day of school ^_^x
Well today is the last day of school YAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! lol just have to get through 2 more exams and then by 11:00 am today I'm out of school and never coming back lol yesterday was okay I think I pass all my exams from yesterday but the computer Appls. was hard I think I failed that one then after school me my BF, and skyler was to find something to eat we went to some Chinese place and it was okay not the best but okay well I think that is it i'll talk to you guys later.
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Well today is all about the exams and its a half day I have 3 classes today so i'm taking three exams and I'm going to pass them all ^_^x well I don't know what i'm doing today all I no is that i'm getting my hair cut today for summer and the last day of school which is tomorrow YAAAAAAAAA nothing really happen yesterday I had my riding lesson and my ass hurts so bad and I had to study well I think thats it I'll talk to you guys later.
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
last full day of school
Ya you heard me today is the las full day of school so tomorrow and Thrus. are half days and I get out at 11:00 am YYYYYYYAAAAAAAA but that also means that all day tomorrow and Thrus. are the exams -.-' but I well pass them Yesterday was so much fun I went over to tylers house with my BF and we were just goofing around and my the end of the day i was rapped up in saran wrap and i was running around the house and the guys kept on trying to pick me up and that was scary I don't like to be picked up but then my mom can to pick me up at tylers and I couldn't walk out to the truck so my bf at his friend pick me up at took me to the truck my mom was laughing her head off then I went home and showed my dad and my tutor I think I scared my tutor but it was fun and heres a pic of me in saran wrap.

Well today I have my lessons today and I have to do some more studing to do when school gets out i'm burning all my papers haha well bye.
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Sunday, May 21, 2006
Sunday already -.-'
Well yesterday was okay I studied for like an hour the whole day and I have a feeling i'm going to pass YA I don't go back to cleaning the goat cage and I never well lol I watched some anime on the internet and watched some hellsing because my mom ordered me a dvd of the whole series of hellsing and I watched it all yesterday it was great. today I have hockey and then I have to help my dad with the fence we are putting up for the goats and then watch some more anime and some studing in there somewhere well talk to you guys later.
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
Today I can't go anywhere because my dad took the only working car so i'm stuck at home all day and the first thing my mom and me do was clean out the goat cage and that is just so gross and was like a mountain of goat shit and we still haven't finished and i'm not doing anymore of it. now for the rest of the day my mom is making me study all day ~tear~ I hate study but there is only 4 days of school left not counting the weekend well I have to go study so i'll talk to you guys later.
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